Prepaid: the increase for families with incomes of less than $2 million is suspended for three months

2023-08-28 10:32:54

Writing Profile Córdoba

Hoy 07:32

The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, announced the suspension for 90 days of the increase in the fee for prepaid medicine for families with incomes of less than 2 million pesos per month.

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Massa maintained that the measure was adopted a the effects that the effort made by workers and the State is also accompanied by health care that does not penalize the worker’s bills”.


In this way, the affiliates reached by the measure will not have to pay the 7.18% increase scheduled for the month of September.

It will also be applicable for the months of October and November, in accordance with the provisions of the head of the Economy portfolio.

The accumulated increase in the item so far in 2023 is 66.16%.

The announcement was made by the presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria on his social networks. In the next few hours the measure will be made official through a decree of necessity and urgency (DNU).

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Massa also announced on Sunday benefits for monotributistas, retirees who receive the minimum, Alimentar Card holders, credits for workers and measures to encourage agricultural production.

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Among the measures isl Payment of a fixed sum of $60,000 pesos in two monthly installments, non-remunerative and one-time for public and private sector employees, absorbable by parities.

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