Prepaid medicine is one of the most requested services of the Argentina. Although it may not be considered that way in society, but the numbers indicate it. Unfortunately, the increases in their monthly fees lead to great concern in those who provide this kind of services, since it might generate a loss of subscribers.
What is prepaid medicine?
Prepaid medicine consists of, as its word indicates, its members prepay their medical expenses for when they need to use them. Coverage of this type has quick responses, a wide range of specialists, and a considerable hospital network available. through the site My Social Work you can know everything you need regarding each of the companies that offer this kind of services.
In recent times, due to the economic situation in the country, there has been an increase in prepaid medicine. Although in recent years there have already been some increases in rates, the truth is that the last one that was approved exceeds the 40% (divided into tranches) and this represents a very considerable increase for affiliates. It is for this reason that in this area, today, there is great concern regarding how those who have this kind of medical care service will respond.
Through data that has emerged from different surveys, it is speculated that people affiliated with prepaid medicine are paying between $7,000 and $10,000 per month to have this service. In addition, some studies reveal that around one 62% of users access prepaid medicine through your salary contributionsMeanwhile he 38% The rest does so by paying the monthly fee directly.
There are some companies that offer more affordable coverage, as well as those that are even higher. For example, Medical Staff is one of the most chosen due to its price-quality ratio. It has an agreement with Sancor Salud that gives it significant prestige with its 700 A and 800 V plans, and for just over $5,000 it became one of the most chosen.
In turn, Cober was renewed and offers to carry out all the previous procedures digitally, being one of those that has young people because of the way they handle themselves. In addition, also with a wide range of plans, it seeks to cover all fronts. Thus, with its Zipper plan that slightly exceeds $7,000, it is also one of the most selected. We will also find companies with perhaps more recognized names, such as OSDE and Omint, but of course, their monthly payments are considerably more expensive. To have OSDE you have to start talking from more than $12,000 with a basic plan, while the Omint Global plan amounts to almost $17,000.
How to choose our prepaid?
As we mentioned before, by entering the Mi Obra Social site, we can analyze costs to what is guaranteed by each of the prepaid medicine companies. That is why we must consider, first of all, what our budget is. Also consider what we are looking for and what use we will really give it, beyond any improvisation that may arise.
Then, when we have found the option that best suits our requirements, we must choose the option that we deem convenient. Once everything is ready, the step of contracting our new prepaid will consist of carrying out the corresponding procedures. And ready. We will already have our new prepaid health coverage and thus we will not worry regarding this issue, which is usually very cumbersome in case we need medical assistance and we do not have a social work or a prepaid one.
Source: Goodlymedia
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