Prepaid medicine fees rose 100% in 12 months

Before an indexation mechanism for prepaid installments is put into operation, the values ​​have already doubled in 12 months

By Dolores Olveira

06/07/2022 – 18,58hs

Las prepaid medical company feeswith the increase expected for August, will increase 100% in relation to its value in the same month of 2021, compared to a estimated inflation of 57% for the period and, in addition, it is expected that from August a new bimonthly indexing system.

What worries the partners of the prepaid medicine companies is that the recomposition of the quotas from August 2021 is accelerated, emphasized Santiago Manoukian, economist at Ecolatina.

To which is added that you prepay them will start this year adjust your odds values with a new cost index defined by the Ministry of Health, which constitutes one more mechanism that contributes to fueling inflationary inertiahe recounted.

Prepaid increases in the last year

Prepaid increases in the last year

Prepaid increases double inflation

Between August 2021 and June 2022, fees rose 88% In front of one inflation which Ecolatina estimates to be close to 57% for said period, and with the increase foreseen for next August, they will double their value in relation to August 2021, when reaching a 100.2% updateaccurate.

Prepaid medicine companies will increase their fees by 11.34% in August, which will be the seventh increase so far this year.

As confirmed by the spokesperson for a prepaid medicine company to iProfesional, with the increase in August, a average family plan will be around $40,000 and $60,000 per month.

The fees for a family plan will be between $40,000 and $60,000 per month

The fees for a family plan will be between $40,000 and $60,000 per month

Prepaid: increase for previous years

Las prepaid saw their quotas frozen during 2020, the year of the pandemic. They increased only 10% in December of that year, compared to a inflation 36.1% for the period, Manoukian noted.

In 2021, the prepaid almost managed to match inflation with the increases they had throughout the yearsomething that did not happen with most salaries.

While the shares of prepaid accumulated in 2021 a rise of 47.4%, inflation almost tied at 50.9%.

Thus, for Manoukian, between January 2020 and June 2021, the prepaid medicine companies They accumulated a delay of around 15%, which reached 28% in July of last year.

For this year, the economist remarked that, as of June, in real terms they are still 15% cheaper than they were as of December 2019, given that inflation will have accumulated 175% compared to prepaid going up 135%.

A new mechanism will automatically update quotas bimonthly

A new mechanism will automatically update quotas bimonthly

The automatic mechanism to upload prepaid installments

But the new calculation mechanism for the automatic update of odds of the prepayments that the Ministry of Health will establish might allow companies to beat inflation.

In the latest resolution of the Ministry of Health, authorizing all increases in prepaid fees, instruct the Superintendency of Health Services so that, together with the Directorate of Health Economics, it prepares the following:

  • And Health Cost Index that contemplates the evolution of the items of human resources, medicines, medical supplies, other supplies and general expenses that are significant for the sector.
  • The index must be resolved by August and will be calculated bimonthly, on the last day of the months of January, March, May, July, September and November.

The Superintendence of Health Services will be in charge of publishing every bimonthly the increase in the quotas of the prepaid medicine companies.

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