Premiere today for the platform 2024-03-12 19:03:38

According to an announcement by the chamber, the above mentioned by the head of the Directorate of Energy Policies and Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, G. Souris, speaking at the 8th EUREM Alumni meeting, held by the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the main subject of dialogue, this year , the new European Energy Efficiency Directive and amending Regulation (EU) 2023/955, which was published in September 2023.

This program concerns existing businesses – small, medium, large and very large from the sectors of trade, services, catering, bakery and confectionary production, as well as tourism, where those with a capacity of up to 200 beds have the right to participate.

“I save – I do business”: The aid rate

Even the The aid rate reaches 65% for all the eligible costs of the investment projects. This percentage depends on the type of intervention (buildings and non-building facilities) and the size of the business.

The subsidized budget

For the subsidized budget (public expenditure and private participation, excluding VAT) each investment proposal of a potential aid beneficiary the following apply:

  • It cannot exceed 500,000 euros for the tourism industry.
  • It cannot exceed 250,000 euros for the other branches.

“I save – I do business”: The interventions

The beneficiary companies of the program will receive support to implement interventions concerning:

  • in thermal insulation,
  • in the energy upgrade of the lighting system,
  • from new LED technology,
  • in saving energy in systems
  • space heating (such as replacing boilers with heat pumps)
  • in saving energy in space cooling systems (such as replacing coolers)
  • in saving energy in space ventilation systems,
  • in saving energy in domestic hot water systems,
  • in the installation of Renewable Energy Sources systems (such as solar thermal systems)
  • in the installation of compensation system,
  • in the installation of automation, control and management systems at local and central level,
  • in the installation of shading systems,
  • in the installation of automations to reduce consumption due to the absence/presence of users
  • in the replacement of energy-intensive equipment that
  • refers to the production process of the services provided (such as ovens and refrigerators)

The services

It is remarkable how the program also funds support services at a rate of up to 7% of the eligible budget with a maximum limit of 30,000 euros and these include, among others:

  • the services of an energy auditor for the preparation of an energy audit report (initial and final),
    the services of an energy inspector for issuing energy efficiency certificates (initial and final),
  • the development and certification of an energy management system, according to the ISO 50001 standard,
    monitoring and management consultant services and preparation of studies and research of any kind deemed necessary for the implementation of the energy audit results report.

It is clarified how the duration of implementation should not exceed 15 months of each energy upgrade investment plan from the date the decision to include the proposal has been issued.

In the year 2024 the new Guide to Energy Audits.

During the relevant event, G. Souris also announced that within 2024 the Ministry of Environment and Energy is expected to publish the new edition of the Energy Audit Guide, while G. Glynos, executive of the department, also mentioned energy issues of energy efficiency of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

From the dialogue that took place, it also emerged that the ministry has started planning for the process of incorporation into national law, in 2025, of EU Directive 1791/9/2023, on the basis of which criteria will be applied – for companies subject to energy audits of end-use energy consumption, with the simultaneous abolition of the current financial criteria of turnover and number of employees.

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