Premiere of Over the Atlantic Sends Shockwaves: ‘Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!


A Season Worth Following – <a data-mil="6219115" href="" title="Winter storm Kenan in the United States: 40 cm expected in Boston">Over the Atlantic</a> ‍Premiere

A Season Worth Following

It’s premiere day⁤ for “Over the Atlantic”! The⁤ six Swedish celebrities are ⁤excited, but an incident on the first night ‍has major consequences for life on⁢ board.

Premiere of Over the Atlantic: “I Want ‍to Leave Now”

Gurra Krantz warns the cast that ​the‌ weather ​will offer ⁣some headwinds, a lot of‌ lake, and a tough start.

– It won’t be ‍an upwind sail and flat and nice, but it will tilt, it will be​ that you go‍ to tack all⁤ the time, ‌it will tilt, says Gurra.

They‌ will‍ be⁣ at sea for 17 days without⁣ any communication, but what ​worries Gurra the most is that the engine has overheated and the freezer is not working. However, two hours before departure, there is at least a little relief.

– To my great relief, we now have ⁢a working freezer and a working‌ engine, but⁣ it is of course not ideal to fix the engine like this before‌ departure. And above all ​not having time to test it properly, says ‍Gurra.

– Now we’re leaving, I want to leave now, says Suzanne ‌Reuter.

“Aye, Aye, Aye, Aye”

The crew gets an easier start than expected weather-wise and ‍has so far been able to avoid the low-pressure front. The weather is not yet a problem, but it ⁢will be a⁣ tough start after all. On ‍the very first night, an incident occurs⁢ that will‌ affect life ⁢on ​board.

– We brew coffee in a normal‍ coffee maker, which is quite complicated, laughs Susanne⁣ while Kristoffer Appelquist brews coffee.

But suddenly something happens while the coffee is brewing.

– Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, you hear‍ someone⁤ say, probably Kristoffer.

Exactly⁣ what is happening we’ll have to wait until next week to see, but there‍ seems to be some kind of damage down in the galley that will affect the rest of the sailboat.

I have watched many seasons of Across the Atlantic but I ‌think this season has something ​special. It’s a fantastic group of people taking on ⁤the challenge of​ sailing over 500 miles. I think ⁢it will be an entertaining ‍season worth following!

“Over ⁣the Atlantic” premieres today, ​September 3, ‌on Kanal 5 and Max.

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