Pregnancy and skin.. Important precautions for the safety of the mother and fetus

News Arabia that women should take essential vitamins before becoming pregnant, while keeping track of their hormonal levels and their body’s overall preparedness for this journey.

She explained that changes in the skin during pregnancy indicate an issue with the estrogen hormone, which has an impact on the skin, complexion, and hair.

The gynecologist continued, “When estrogen levels are normal, the skin appears healthy. However, if there are issues with estrogen or if other hormones, such as those from the thyroid gland, or vitamins are deficient, the skin becomes more susceptible to pigmentation, melasma, or acne. Pregnant women may also experience wrinkles, dryness, and hair issues.

She highlighted the significance of preparing for pregnancy and its effect on fetal health. “When the body gets sufficient vitamins, the fetus benefits, and the mother has the necessary amounts for herself. If there is a vitamin deficiency, the fetus will take what it needs, leaving little for the mother,” she stated.

Dr. Shafaa noted that many pregnant women suffer from anemia, which can cause hair and skin issues, headaches, and general fatigue.

She also mentioned that some vitamins, like Vitamin A, and certain antibiotics are prohibited during pregnancy because they can be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream. These substances may cross the placenta and could lead to potential defects in the fetal heart or hearing, or even discoloration of the teeth.

Pregnant women are encouraged to rise early to ensure optimal functioning of their glands, particularly the thyroid and adrenal glands, which helps maintain healthy hormone levels aligned with the body’s biological clock.

Additionally, she stressed the necessity of drinking plenty of water and consuming a balanced diet of meat and fruits, avoiding fast food, to maintain skin health and overall well-being.

Dr. Shafaa emphasized the importance of avoiding substances that may cause allergies, which can affect the fetus later, and highlighted the need for regular health check-ups.

Essential Pregnancy Preparation: Insights from Dr. Shafaa Al-Ahmad

Dr. Shafaa Al-Ahmad, a respected specialist in obstetrics, gynecology, and cosmetic gynecology at Seven Day Medical Centers, emphasizes the necessity for women to meticulously plan for pregnancy. This planning involves monitoring readiness and preparation, which are crucial for a healthy pregnancy journey.

The Importance of Pre-Pregnancy Preparation

According to Dr. Shafaa, a well-thought-out approach to pregnancy starts even before conception. Here are key considerations:

  • Necessary Vitamins: Women are advised to start taking essential vitamins before pregnancy. Vitamins such as folic acid play a significant role in prenatal health.
  • Hormonal Health: Monitoring hormonal levels is vital. Hormones significantly impact various bodily functions, including skin health during pregnancy.
  • Balanced Diet: Eating a diverse and balanced diet ensures that the body is primed for the changes that pregnancy brings.

Hormonal Impact on Skin and Hair

During pregnancy, women often find that their skin and hair undergo noticeable changes. Dr. Shafaa explains:

“The estrogen hormone plays a crucial role in this transformation. A proper balance of estrogen results in healthier skin. If there are any hormonal imbalances or deficiencies, such as Vitamin D or issues related to the thyroid gland, it can lead to skin problems like pigmentation, cost, and acne.”

Skin Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnant women may experience:

  • Increased Wrinkles: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to a loss of elasticity in the skin.
  • Dryness: Many women report skin becoming dry and flaky, necessitating a change in skincare routine.
  • Hair Issues: Changes in hair texture and growth patterns are common.

Fetal Health and Maternal Nutrition

Dr. Shafaa highlights the link between maternal vitamin intake and fetal health. Here are critical points to consider:

  • Vitamin Requirements: A well-balanced diet meets the mother’s vitamin needs, benefiting the fetus.
    “When the body receives adequate vitamins, the fetus thrives,” Dr. Shafaa elaborates.
  • Anemia Symptoms: Many pregnant women endure symptoms of anemia, which can result in hair loss, skin issues, and general fatigue.

Vitamins and Medications during Pregnancy

Not all vitamins or medications are safe during pregnancy:

  • Vitamins: While some are beneficial, others, like Vitamin A, can be harmful and should be avoided.
  • Antibiotics: Certain antibiotics are absorbed through the skin and can reach the fetus, leading to potential developmental issues, such as heart defects or tooth discoloration.

Optimizing Hormonal Balance

To ensure hormonal functions are optimal, Dr. Shafaa advises:

  • Early Rising: Waking up early promotes healthy adrenal and thyroid gland function, contributing to balanced hormone levels.
  • Hydration: Adequate water intake is crucial for overall health and skin vitality.
  • Avoid Fast Food: A diet rich in fresh fruits and meats is encouraged over processed foods.

Allergies and Substances to Avoid

Dr. Shafaa warns against certain allergens and harmful substances:

  • Identifying Allergens: Pregnant women should avoid items that may pose allergy risks to both mother and fetus.
  • Regular Check-ups: Following periodic body tests is essential, enabling timely identification of any deficiencies or issues.

Benefits of a Healthy Pregnancy

Investing time in proper preparation greatly impacts both maternal and fetal well-being. Benefits include:

  • Healthier Pregnancy: Adequate planning results in reduced complications.
  • Enhanced Skin and Hair Health: Proper hormonal balance leads to less drastic changes in skin and hair quality during pregnancy.
  • Stronger Fetal Development: Meeting nutritional needs directly correlates with improved fetal health.

Practical Tips for Aspiring Mothers

  • Schedule a pre-conception check-up with a healthcare provider.
  • Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet.
  • Start a supplement regimen under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
  • Practice stress-reducing techniques like yoga or meditation.
  • Educate yourself about pregnancy and childbirth to alleviate anxiety.

Dr. Shafaa Al-Ahmad’s insights provide a comprehensive understanding of the importance of pre-pregnancy planning and preparation. By addressing hormonal health, nutrition, and proactive measures, women can pave the way for a healthier pregnancy experience.



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