Precision medicine, key to addressing epilepsy in the future

More than 150 neurologists and neuropediatricians have gathered these days in the nineteenth edition of the Epilepsy Winter Course, organized by the UCB biopharmaceutical company. The specialists have met at the Granja de San Idelfonso in Segovia to address the latest advances in pathology. One of the main focuses of the course has been genetic epilepsy and precision medicine, a field of research that has experienced great progress in recent years. Gene therapy has become a promising way to treat epilepsy. Within the framework of the course, UCB has launched its “Here & Now for Epilepsy” campaign to remind people of the need to act, here and now, to respond to the needs not covered in epilepsy and thus define the future approach to the disease. Epilepsy adds up to 20,000 new cases each year in Spain. Experts say that, although the disease poses great challenges to be resolved, such as the role of genetics and precision medicine, the scientific and pharmaceutical community is moving towards the same goal: to one day be able to modify the course of the disease and improve the quality of the disease. of life of the patients.

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