Precision Medicine and Genetic Insights for Diabetes Care – Research and Awareness

2023-11-22 13:39:45

2023-11-22 14:39:45

Some genetic and molecular knowledge is already allowing doctors and researchers to integrate precision medicine into care plans for patients with diabetes.

Among the hundreds of millions of diabetes patients around the world, there are a large number of genetic mutations, biomarkers, symptoms and possible complications that can manifest at different stages of life. Accurate diagnosis and characterization of the disease affect not only treatment options… + read more

Duration and poor quality of sleep increase diabetes risk

Sleeping less than six hours or more than 10 hours and poor sleep quality are associated with an increased risk of diabetes. + read more

Promotion of research and awareness about diabetes through a pact between SEMGF and FEDE

In Spain, diabetes affects almost 6,000,000 people, of which nearly 2,000,000 are still undiagnosed. + read more

They find an association between neck circumference and diabetes mellitus

The increased risk of type 2 and gestational diabetes reaches 117 and 31%, respectively, according to a voluminous study. + read more

Erectile dysfunction could be an indicator of an undiagnosed metabolic disease

If the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction could improve the detection of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, routine tests should be implemented to detect hyperglycemia when men present said disorder. + read more

They find out the error by which obese people can be affected by type 2 diabetes

Many people with elevated levels of insulin, an early marker of diabetes risk, also have defects in the APT1 enzyme, necessary for processing a key dietary fatty acid. + read more

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Phthalates, triggers of diabetes risk in women

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (ESAs) in plastics may contribute to the risk of diabetes in women. + read more

#Precision #medicine #face #heterogeneity #diabetes

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