Pratikno After Being Called by Prabowo: He Underlines Cabinet Solidarity – detikNews

Pratikno Meets Prabowo: Cabinet Shenanigans Unfold

Ah, politics, the only place where when people say they want to “join the cabinet,” it doesn’t involve a trip to IKEA! In a delightful twist of political banter, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno recently had a pleasant chat with president-elect Prabowo Subianto at his cozy residence in South Jakarta. The press release was about as tantalizing as a soggy slice of toast, hinting that Pratikno has received a not-so-secret invitation to join Prabowo’s upcoming cabinet. Spoiler alert: It sounds like a recipe for more grating than grilles!

During their discussion, Pratikno let slip that Prabowo “asked him” to help him join the cabinet, which honestly sounds like a scene out of a political sitcom. “Aja,” he said, which translates roughly to “just do it,” or as I prefer to think of it, “don’t overthink it or you’ll just get lost in policymaking!” Of course, Pratikno kept his cards close to his chest about what glamorous ministerial position he was being offered, likely wondering if he would be in charge of “ministry of endless paperwork” or perhaps something equally scintillating.

Keeping with the theme of secrecy — a word unbeknownst to many politicians, let’s be honest — he mentioned that while others had given him “grilles” (yes, grilles!), he was simply too fabulous for that! “It’s a secret,” he quipped, looking like he just spilled the beans on a reality show about who gets to live in the mansion. Why do politicians always sound like they’re about to unveil a surprise twist on a cooking show? “And for my next dish, I shall create harmony between cabinet members… without setting the kitchen on fire!”

Now, let’s not forget the culinary metaphor here. Pratikno pointed out that the various ministries are like ingredients in a complex dish — they have to complement each other! For example, no chef serves up a bitterness stew, and Prabowo certainly wouldn’t want his new cabinet to start a riot over who’s responsible for solving poverty. The man’s already got enough on his plate, don’t you think?!

“Cooperation within the cabinet is essential,” he preached. Yes, cooperation! The kind you saw in your school group projects when everyone decided that the “hard” work of someone else didn’t count. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work… unless you’re living in a political drama where shouting louder equals getting your way. “Solidarity and cooperation,” Pratikno continues, “that’s the secret sauce to success.” I don’t know about you, but I’d love to see that success come with a side of transparency and a twist of honesty! You know, for flavor.

At the end of the day, it seems the newly minted cabinet will face the age-old question: can they actually work together without someone throwing a tantrum over the seating arrangements? Or will it be a slapstick comedy — cabinets sliding, agendas colliding, and ministers scrambling for the spotlight? With Prabowo emphasizing cabinet ‘solidity,’ one can’t help but wonder if his vision includes some heavy-duty adhesive as well.

So here we are, folks — the stage is set for what promises to be an entertaining political ballet, with a dash of comedy and a sprinkle of absurdity. Will Pratikno step up and deliver the goods, or will it be another “too many cooks” scenario? Stay tuned as the Indonesian political circus continues its performance of the year!



Minister of State Secretary Pratikno meet the president-elect Prabowo Subianto at his residence on Jl Kertanegara No. 4, South Jakarta. Pratikno admitted that he was asked by Prabowo to join the cabinet later.

“The president-elect told me to ask me to help him join the cabinet, that aja,” said Pratikno after meeting Prabowo at his residence, Monday (14/10/2024).

Pratikno did not reveal the ministerial position that would be entrusted to him. He also didn’t provide any grating.



“It’s a secret. The others have given me grilles, now I don’t have to,” he explained.

Pratikno said he was assigned to support the Prabowo government’s policies. He mentioned that there was cooperation within the team.

“Of course we support his policies, so work as hard as possible and work together as a team, those are the things he conveyed,” he said.

Pratikno said the ministries in the cabinet were interrelated. For example, he said, cooperation in alleviating poverty.

“In fact, in the cabinet there are many ministers according to their respective fields and of course one ministry cannot be completely different from other ministries, there is overlap in solving problems, for example poverty alleviation or improving human resources. whatever– Yes,” he said.

Pratikno said Prabowo emphasized to him the solidity of the cabinet. He said the ministers must work together well so that Prabowo’s targets are achieved.

“That’s why it’s important to work together, he underlined the importance of solidity in the cabinet, cooperation, working as well as possible so that the targets of President Prabowo’s government can be achieved as well as possible,” he concluded.




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