Pramono Anung Resigns from Cabinet Secretary Role on September 22

Pramono Anung Resigns as Cabinet Secretary on September 22″/>

President Joko Widodo (left) accompanied by Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung (right). (Doc. Cabinet Secretariat Public Relations/Oji)

PRESIDENT Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has received Pramono Anung’s resignation letter from the Cabinet Secretary (Seskab) on September 2, 2024. In the letter, Pramono asked to resign on September 22, 2024.

“Therefore, the Presidential Decree (Keppres) on dismissal as Cabinet Secretary will be signed by the President in accordance with the request from Mr. Pramono Anung,” said the Coordinator of the President’s Special Staff, Ari Dwipayana, when confirmed, Friday (6/9).

Ari ensured that the President would approve every minister and official who wanted to resign. The President respects the political decisions of his staff.

“He respects the political rights of ministers or ministerial-level officials to nominate themselves as potential regional head candidates,” he explained.

Previously, President Jokowi admitted that he had not signed Pramono’s resignation letter. However, he did not reveal the reason.

“Pramono has also (submitted a letter of resignation), but I have not signed it,” said the President in Sidoarjo, East Java.

It is known that Pramono is running as a prospective gubernatorial candidate (bacagub) of DKI Jakarta. The DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) is scheduled to determine the gubernatorial candidate and deputy gubernatorial candidate on September 22, 2024.

Furthermore, the gubernatorial and deputy gubernatorial candidates will campaign from September 25 to November 23, 2024. Voting is scheduled for November 27, 2024. (P-5)

#Pramono #Anung #Resigns #Cabinet #Secretary #September

Here are ⁢some ​PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title ⁤**”Optimizing Images for SEO: A Comprehensive Guide”**:

Optimizing Images for SEO: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), images are often overlooked,‌ but they play a⁣ vital role in enhancing the user ‍experience and improving website rankings. In this article, we will⁣ delve into the world of image SEO, exploring the benefits of optimizing images, the importance of image formats, and provide‍ tips on how to optimize images for SEO.

The Importance of ⁤Image⁤ Optimization

Images are an essential part of any website, but large, ‌unoptimized‌ images can hinder page ‌loading speeds, leading to a poor user experience ​and‍ negatively impacting website rankings. According to [1], WebP images, a format developed⁢ by Google, offer ‌several‌ benefits, including reduced file sizes and improved page loading speeds.

Choosing the Right ‌Image Format

When‌ it⁢ comes to choosing the right image format, several options are available, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and WebP. Each format has its strengths and weaknesses, and ⁣choosing the right one depends on the type of image⁤ and its intended use. WebP images, for ​example, are ideal for ‍photographs, while PNGs are better suited for graphics and icons.

Optimizing Image ⁤Tags and Alt Text

Optimizing image tags and alt‍ text is a crucial step in image SEO. Image tags, such as the file name and title, provide‌ context to search ⁣engines about the⁣ image, while alt ​text provides a description of the image for visually impaired users and search engines. According to⁢ [2],⁤ using keyword-anchored alt text can improve image ⁢rankings on Google.

Compressing Images for Faster Load Times

Compressing images is essential for reducing file sizes ‍and improving page loading speeds. Tools like TinyPNG and ShortPixel can reduce image file sizes without compromising quality. ​According to [3], compressing images ‍can significantly improve page loading‍ speeds, leading to improved user experience and website rankings.

Best Practices for‌ Image SEO

Here are some best​ practices for image SEO:

Use descriptive and keyword-rich file names and alt text

Optimize images ⁤for‌ web use ⁢by compressing and resizing images

Use WebP images when possible

Use keyword-anchored alt ‌text to improve image​ rankings

*‌ Use image captions⁢ and descriptions to provide additional context


Optimizing images for SEO is ⁢a crucial step in ⁤improving website rankings and enhancing the user experience. By⁢ choosing ⁢the right image format, optimizing ⁣image tags⁢ and alt text, ‍compressing ​images,⁢ and following‌ best practices, website⁤ owners can improve their website’s visibility and ​drive more traffic to their⁣ site.


[1] WebP ​Images and Their Impact on SEO

[2] SEO: 8 tips for referencing ‍your images on ‌Google

[3] How to Optimize⁢ Images for SEO

SEO Image Optimizer

Optimizing Images for SEO: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), images are often overlooked, but they play a vital role in enhancing the user experience and improving website rankings. In this article, we will delve into the world of image SEO, exploring the benefits of optimizing images, the importance of image formats, and provide tips on how to optimize images for SEO.

The Importance of Image Optimization

Images are an essential part of any website, but large, unoptimized images can hinder page loading speeds, leading to a poor user experience and negatively impacting website rankings. According to [1], WebP images, a format developed by Google, offer several benefits, including reduced file sizes and improved page loading speeds.

Choosing the Right Image Format

When it comes



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