Praise and worship music in San Antonio – Nationals – ABC Color


This Sunday, San Antonio is gearing up for a first-of-its-kind feast for the ears. The parish will hold its inaugural Catholic religious music concert, and oh, it’s not just any concert – it’s a shindig designed to lift your spirits so high even the angels might feel a bit envious!

The stage is set for an uplifting event titled “His Voice”, showcasing three talented musical groups: Queen of Heaven, Josiah, and Emmaus. They promise to bring not just sound but an experience of faith that may just leave your heart singing louder than a church choir on Easter morning! And guess what? Admission is free! That’s right, folks, come one, come all – your wallet can take a breather this Sunday.

Local priest, Marcos Fretes, has declared with the enthusiasm of a kid let loose in a candy store that, “This first concert of Catholic music will be majestic, and we hope that it will be an experience of faith for the community of San Antonio and for the entire Church.” Bless his heart for expecting the families to show up; just imagine grandpa in the front pew with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones – he’s just not ready for that bass drop!

And as if the music alone isn’t enough to draw the crowds, there will also be a moment dedicated to the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Extra spiritual points, anyone? I mean, who doesn’t love a bit of sacred silence after belting out the latest praise songs? Father Fretes assures us that this is not just another day at the parish; oh no, it’s going to be unique – and he encourages everyone, especially the youth, to partake because let’s face it, they need all the help they can get these days. Addictions to screens? Pfft! Let’s lead them back to the good book instead.

He emphasizes a goal that resonates with many: “We seek a healthy society, one that draws closer to God and the Virgin Mary on a permanent basis,” while battling against those vices that have been tackling families like a bad wrestling match. If only we had a “flying elbow drop” against those pesky drugs – alas, all we have is prayer and melodies for now.

You can expect the church, Saint Anthony of Padua, to be buzzing like a beehive overflowing with joy and camaraderie. Seeing the entire community come together can only result in something phenomenal, as the temple will soon be filled with exuberant voices rising like a heavenly choir aiming straight for—wait for it—Heaven!

If you’re wondering just how many people might swing by, let’s not forget the last religious concert that pulled in over 5,000 attendees. What do you think, will this concert break records, or will we find Father Fretes performing an impromptu stand-up comedy set to fill the gap? Considering the blend of music and prayer, it’s likely to turn into a blessed bonanza faster than you can say “Hallelujah!”

So, if you’re in the San Antonio area this Sunday, swing by the parish, grab the kids, maybe even corral a few friends. Who knows, you might walk out feeling enlightened or at the very least, humming those tunes on your way home.

SAN ANTONIO. This Sunday the first edition of the Catholic religious music concert takes place in the parish of this city in the Central department. Three musical groups will be present to raise their voices to the top. All families willing to praise God are invited, with free tickets. There will also be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

And concert of Catholic Christian music will be performed this domingo in the parish Saint Anthony of Padua of the homonymous town. With tickets free. The event is called “His voice”.

Three well-known musical groups such as; Queen of Heaven, Josiah and Emmaus, They will be there to make the audience vibrate, and raise their voices to the top.

“This first concert of Catholic music will be majestic and We hope that it will be an experience of faith for the community of San Antonio and for the entire Church.and we wait for all the families”, expressed the local priest, Marcos Fretes.

He priest He indicated that in addition to the music there will be a moment of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He assures that it will be a unique event worth participating in.

Read more: Successful religious concert with more than 5,000 people

In addition to the praise music, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be performed.

The parish priest seeks to promote unit from all sectors of society, especially adolescents and young peoplethe most vulnerable groups to the addictions that affect the country, especially drugs.

“We seek a healthy society, one that draws closer to God and the Virgin Mary on a permanent basis, because vices are greatly affecting families.”said the priest.

The Reina del Cielo group will raise its voice to the highest level, this Sunday at the San Antonio temple.

The event organized by the parish has the support of the groups pastoral and youth of the town. “The temple of Saint Anthony “It will be filled with bustle and hubbub this Sunday, when hundreds of voices rise to heaven to praise the creator,” said the religious.



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