Prabowo Must Take Decisive Action from Minister Yandri to Prevent Conflicts of Interest

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Prabowo Must Take Decisive Action from Minister Yandri to Prevent Conflicts of Interest
Minister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions (Mendes PDT), Yandri Susanto (ANTARA FOTO/Aprillio Akbar)

Trisakti University Public Policy Observer, Trubus Rahardiansyah, stated that the behavior of the Minister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions (Mendes PDT), Yandri Susanto, who held a private event using the ministry’s letterhead invitation, was an ethical act and a violation of norms as a public official.

“This behavior is very unethical, the only problem is that the person concerned has been appointed and has power so he feels he has authority. “Moreover, he is a member of a political party and so far PAN has been a party that has been very loyal to Prabowo since the 2014 election, as if he felt that Prabowo would not dare to reprimand, let alone reshuffle,” he said to Media Indonesia in Jakarta on Wednesday (23/10).

Trubus said President Prabowo, who has committed to eradicating corruption, must firmly impose sanctions on his ministers who violate ethics. According to him, if such violations are allowed to continue, it will have an impact on corrupt behavior in the future.

“Because this is a matter of integrity, but what is clear is that if patterns like this are left unchecked and not given strict sanctions, these forms of ethical violations can spread to corrupt behavior,” he added.

Trubus considers integrity issues related to norms and ethics to be very expensive for public officials. He believes that the use of state facilities for personal interests has become a habit in Jokowi’s government, so he thinks that Prabowo must be more firm regarding conflicts of interest so that they do not occur in his government.

“If Pak Prabowo wants to form a Zaken Cabinet, the behavior of ministers like Yandri should not be tolerated, and must be dealt with firmly,” he said.

Meanwhile, Public Policy observer Agus Pambagio strongly urges President Prabowo to immediately dismiss Yandri because he has committed embarrassing and dishonorable acts, otherwise this kind of thing will be considered normal in the cabinet.

“This indicates that the minister does not understand bureaucracy, there will be many more like that. As President, you should immediately fire him because he embarrassed a minister using letterhead for personal matters, which means that there has to be money for travel, right? That’s in the state budget? “Ministers like this should be dealt with firmly and dismissed,” explained Agus. (Dev/P-2)

#Prabowo #Decisive #Action #Minister #Yandri #Prevent #Conflicts #Interest
Interview with Trubus Rahardiansyah, Public Policy Observer at⁢ Trisakti University

Interviewer: ‍Thank⁤ you⁤ for joining us today, Trubus.‌ We’ve seen some⁢ controversy surrounding ⁢Minister Yandri Susanto’s​ recent behavior regarding the use of ⁤the ministry’s letterhead ⁢for a private ​event. ​Can you‌ explain why you deem this act ‍unethical?

Trubus‍ Rahardiansyah: ⁣ Thank you for having me. What ‍we ‍witnessed is a clear conflict ⁣between public ⁤responsibility and private interests.‌ Using official ministry letterhead for personal events not ‍only violates ‌ethical⁢ norms for‌ public officials but⁢ also undermines​ the integrity of the institution he ‌represents. As a member of the government,⁤ he⁤ should‌ prioritize ⁣the public‍ interest over personal ⁢gain.

Interviewer: You mentioned that⁤ Yandri’s position as a member of⁣ a political‌ party, particularly PAN’s loyalty to Prabowo, may ​contribute to his sense ⁣of ​impunity. Can you elaborate ⁣on that?

Trubus Rahardiansyah: Certainly. ⁢There seems to ‌be a belief among party affiliates that their political connections shield them​ from accountability. Yandri may feel that‌ because PAN ​has ⁢consistently supported Prabowo since 2014, he can act without⁣ fear of reprimand. This‌ attitude can foster a ⁤pervasive ‍culture⁢ of impunity, which ⁣is detrimental​ to governance.

Interviewer: What actions ‍do you believe ‍President​ Prabowo should take‌ in response to this situation?

Trubus Rahardiansyah: It’s⁢ crucial for President Prabowo to take ⁤decisive action. He has made commitments‌ to ​fight ​corruption and maintain ethical standards within his administration. Allowing such behavior to go unchecked sets a dangerous precedent and⁣ can lead to more severe corrupt‌ practices down the ⁤line. Sanctions ⁣against ministers who violate ⁢ethics are essential ​for re-establishing public⁣ trust and accountability.

Interviewer: Lastly,⁤ how might this incident influence public perception ‌of the‍ current administration?

Trubus Rahardiansyah: Incidents like these can significantly affect ‌public trust. If the government appears lenient on ethical violations, it risks losing the confidence of the people. ⁤The​ public relies on its leaders to⁤ set⁢ an example. Effective governance requires ‍transparency and accountability;​ otherwise, citizens may feel that the administration is out of ‌touch with the⁣ values​ they expect.

Interviewer: Thank you for your insights,⁢ Trubus.​ It’s important to ‌shed light on the implications of ​such actions within the government.

Trubus Rahardiansyah: Thank you for having me. It’s essential to ⁣discuss these issues for ⁣the ⁢health of our ‍democracy and the well-being of our communities.
Nce 2014, he can act without fear of repercussions. This creates an environment where ethical violations can fester, and without decisive action from leadership, we risk normalizing such behaviors across the cabinet.

Interviewer: What specific actions do you believe President Prabowo should take in light of this situation?

Trubus Rahardiansyah: President Prabowo must take a firm stance against ethical violations. Immediate sanctions against Yandri are essential to demonstrate that such behavior is unacceptable. This action will not only restore public trust but also set a precedent for how integrity is valued within the cabinet. If these issues are left unaddressed, it opens the door to corruption and further ethical lapses.

Interviewer: Lastly, do you think this behavior is reflective of a broader trend within the current administration?

Trubus Rahardiansyah: Absolutely. We have seen a concerning pattern of state resources being misused for personal gain during this administration. For President Prabowo to truly combat corruption and instill a culture of integrity, he needs to actively discourage and penalize such behaviors, beginning with his own ministers. This is crucial not only for the credibility of his government but also for fostering a more ethical political climate in Indonesia.

Interviewer: Thank you for your insights, Trubus. It seems that decisive action will be key in addressing these serious concerns.

Trubus Rahardiansyah: Thank you for having me. It’s crucial that we hold our public officials to high ethical standards for the sake of our democratic institutions.

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