Power to the People: Taxing the Rich for Social Measures – PTB’s Flagship Proposal at Manifiesta Festival

2023-09-09 16:17:14

As its back-to-school battlehorse, the PTB is attacking food prices by advocating the elimination of VAT on milk, meat, bread and pasta. To finance this measure, the PTB wants the elimination of tax loopholes for the super rich. At the top: the absence of taxes on capital gains when selling shares. Tax the richest to finance social measures, a refrain of the PTB which does not miss an opportunity to drive the point home when it can to influence the other left-wing parties.

This was the flagship measure launched by the PTB during its political return, Saturday, in Ostend, at the Manifiesta festival, a Festival of Humanity with Belgian flavor. Under the sun at the Ostend racecourse, Raoul Hedebouw gave a speech outlining the main axes of the PTB for the coming months and undoubtedly for the electoral campaign.

With recurring themes, such as class struggle, but also an accentuation of long underlying themes such as the rejection of elites in which the PTB now includes “the political class”. “Up there, on rue de la Loi, they seem to have a lot of trouble listening to people. (…) It’s true that they are in their ivory tower. The fact that they are not listening is not due to a hearing problem. This is more of a class issue. »

#VAT #food #products #struggle #resistance #PTB #program

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