Power storage: Batteries without critical raw materials

2023-07-13 19:08:00

The generation of energy is not a problem in the recently opened solar park in Schattendorf in Burgenland on the border with Hungary. With 27,000 panels and connected wind farms, the hybrid photovoltaic system has a total output of 15 megawatts. In order to use the generated energy permanently and thus be geopolitically independent, a storage model is needed, says Stephan Sharma from Energie Burgenland. This was presented to the public on Thursday.

It is a large storage device in the form of batteries from the German company CMBlu. Founder Peter Geigle has been working since 2011 on bringing his innovation, which does not require critical raw materials such as lithium or cobalt, from the laboratory to the market. The recyclable batteries are now being used for the first time in a container near the plant. There it should store the electrical energy in almost unlimited available electrolytes. There is no risk of a fire. “Our focus in the coming weeks will be on evaluating the performance of our technology and then delivering additional storage systems with a total capacity of 300 MWh to Burgenland,” said company founder Geigle.

On the political side, the opening was attended by Governor Hans-Peter Doskozil and Martin Selmayr, Head of the European Commission Representation in Austria. Burgenland has set itself the goal of being climate-neutral and energy-independent by 2030.


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Verena Mittellechner

Verena Mittellechner

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