Power cut: will you be compensated by your energy supplier in the event of load shedding?

Electricity consumption in France continued to fall last week: -7.4% compared to the average for previous years (2014-2019) over the same period, according to the latest figures from RTE. However, the risk of load shedding is still relevant. In the event of a cut, will you be compensated? We take stock.

The specter of power cuts is receding, at least for the next three weeks. This Wednesday, December 28 on France Inter, Emmanuelle Wargon, the president of the Energy Regulation Commission (CRE), assured that there would be no no load shedding at least until January 15. As announced by RTE last week. But in the event of a cut after this date, will you be compensated for the inconvenience caused?

No commercial gesture

A priori, no, as explained MoneyVox. The response from the energy suppliers contacted by our colleagues, namely EDF, Plüm and Alpiq is clear: no commercial gesture is planned because it would of a case of force majeure, suffered by all the actors.

François Carlier, general delegate of the consumer defense association CLCV, confirms in this sense to our colleagues that the cuts are here part of the “category of exceptional events and does not give rise to compensation“.

Nevertheless, if some of your electrical equipment is damaged following these measures, you can contact your insurer who will take the steps vis-à-vis Enedis, specifies Current wife.

If the power cut were to last more than 6 hours, a government decree provides for the possible establishment of compensation, recalls MoneyVox. In the event of an incident on the distribution network, financial compensation from Enedis is provided for after the 5th hour of outage.

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In the event that you have suffered a power cut lasting more than 5 hours, you benefit from the payment of a lump sum of €2 excluding VAT per kVA of power subscribed for each 5 consecutive hours of power cut. (within the limit of 40 consecutive periods of 5 hours). This amount will be automatically paid by Enedis to your electricity supplier who will transfer it to one of your electricity bills, explains Enedis on its website.

In the event of a power outage, the Enedis breakdown service is at your disposal on 0972 675 0 + department number (non-surcharged call) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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