Power Boosters: Discover How Strawberries Fuel Your Fitness and Enhance Athletic Performance

2023-10-24 14:37:46

Strawberries are part of an optimal diet for fitness-conscious people and athletes. With the power fruit you can build up strength quickly and effectively.

The many nutrients in strawberries would help very well to maintain performance, says personal trainer Nina Kersting. The qualified sports economist and state-recognized nutritionist recommends that her clients definitely take advantage during the strawberry season.

Superfood for athletes – 5 reasons at a glance why strawberries provide you with power for your training and can increase your performance:

1. Athletic body benefits from strawberries

One advantage of strawberries: They are good for the athletic body.

According to nutritionists, strawberries are a real slimming agent with only 100 calories per 300 gram bowl and are also incredibly healthy.

Strawberries are a local superfood, says nutritionist Antje Gahl from the German Nutrition Society (DGE).

Strawberries are filling: They consist of 90 percent water and therefore provide the body with fluids.

The large proportion of water also fills the stomach well, says trainer Kersting. “It fills you up and you don’t even notice that you’ve only consumed a few calories.”

The athlete enjoys strawberries herself every day during the strawberry season, which lasts from May to July in Germany.

2. Calorie reduction with little exercise

According to Kersting, in order to burn a bowl of 300 grams of strawberries – around 100 calories – you would have to:

9 minutes jogging 8 minutes (fast) swimming 6 minutes (fast) cycling

However, the information depends, among other things, on height, weight, pulse, fitness and the intensity of the exercise.

3. Important nutrients and vitamins for athletes

Even endurance athletes such as marathon runners or triathletes in top condition would benefit from strawberries. “The muscles don’t weaken so quickly,” says the expert. A handful of strawberries a day is enough.

With these ingredients, strawberries increase your strength:

Potassium: If you train hard, you sweat. The body loses electrolytes, fluids that contain salts necessary for the body. The mineral potassium promotes the body’s supply of electrolytes. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) estimates the average potassium requirement of an adult at 4,000 milligrams daily. With 100 grams of strawberries, adults consume 160 milligrams of potassium.
Vitamin C: Strong connective tissue, strong bones and beautiful teeth – you should definitely consume enough vitamin C because it helps build these. According to the DGE, vitamin C has an antioxidant effect. It can also improve iron absorption from plant foods during digestion. “Strawberries even have a slightly higher vitamin C content than the classic orange,” says DGE nutritionist Antje Gahl. – Strawberries: an average of 55 mg vitamin C per 100 g, – Oranges: regarding 45 mg vitamin C per 100 g. The daily requirement for vitamin C for women is around 90 mg; for men at around 110 mg. This also benefits athletes.
Magnesium: Do you never want to let cramps stop you from training once more? You can control these disorders with sufficient magnesium, which is contained in strawberries. Anyone who eats the fruit can counteract this. The daily requirement for magnesium is around 350 mg for men and around 300 mg for women. There are 15 mg of magnesium in 100 g of strawberries.
Zink: Goodbye sore muscles! Zinc helps following a hard sports session. It is an important anti-inflammatory trace element that Kersting says also helps prevent pain following a challenging workout. According to DGE information, zinc is involved in cell growth and wound healing, in various metabolic processes, in the immune system and in reproduction. The average daily requirement for men is 14 mg/day and for women it is 8 mg/day. There are 0.3 mg of zinc in 100g of strawberries.
Phenolic acid: Is one of the so-called secondary plant substances that have an antioxidant, health-promoting effect. They protect once morest free radicals and can help reduce the risk of certain heart, circulatory and cancer diseases, says Gahl. According to the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE), these plant substances can kill germs and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Salicylic acid: May help with joint pain that some people suffer when exercise causes mild inflammation in the body.

4. Another plus: the low sugar content

Fructose gives the body an energy boost. “This is good sugar with a low glycemic index,” says Kersting. In contrast to normal household sugar, it does not affect insulin levels, which would make you tired once more quickly.

The sugar content of strawberries is significantly lower than that of an apple, says nutritionist Gahl. It is regarding half:

Strawberries: 30 kcal per 100g, apples and pears: regarding 60 kcal per 100g.


5. Eat strawberries before and following training

Energy Kick: The easily digestible fruits are a top booster before training. Kersting recommends having a snack, regarding a handful, regarding one to two hours before you go jogging or grab dumbbells etc. These are best combined with carbohydrates such as oatmeal.

Regeneration: After training, the trainer recommends combining strawberries with protein such as quark or plant milk. Protein promotes muscle regeneration and also prevents muscle soreness. For the best effect, the strawberry protein snack is best consumed up to two hours following training.

Reference values ​​for nutrients according to DGE

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