Why the Ouest-France group believes in its chances of obtaining a DTT frequency

2024-07-17 06:00:00

Wear a look that goes ” from the commune to the world “. And an editorial promise based on loyalty” to the humanist values ​​and independence guaranteed by the Association which owns Ouest-France (ASPDH, non-profit)”. As part of the procedure for renewing fifteen national DTT frequencies in 2025, the Breton regional group West France (560 million in turnover), heard on Tuesday by Arcom (the Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority)highlighted its ethics and the strength of its code of ethics.

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Publisher of the leading French daily newspaper, with 628,391 paid copies in 2023 (source ACPM), it is one of the new entrants from the press who are vying for a share of the TV pie. While several auditions, including those of LCI, BFM TV or CNewswere dominated by the themes of pluralism, currents of expression or editorial independence, the group based in Rennes, but broadcasting in the Grand Ouest, wanted to mark its difference.

An alternative offer for 25-49 year olds living outside city centres

He did not defend the creation of yet another news channel in a saturated advertising market, but of a free generalist channel for the general public, embodying all the territories. Faced with other projects considered very Parisian, and concentrated, by successive takeovers, in the hands of the same operators, West France TV (OFTV) wants to tell ” what the French experience and take a look that is both entertaining and rooted in reality ».

Ready to launch on September 1, 2025, the group has positioned itself as a pay-TV channel, with distribution on all networks (IPTV, satellite, OTT).

« This unique project marks an ambitious step and is part of the group’s sustained digital development, positioned among the leaders in French news media. “, considered François-Xavier Lefranc, chairman of the board of Ouest-France, whose digital platform rose to the Top 3 news sites by month in 2023.

“OFTV will be a national television which will report on France as we experience it, a television produced in the region, close citizens, their daily concerns “, he added as a preamble.

Destined to ” tell, entertain and share “, the project aims to be ” unifying, accessible to all, creator of cohesion and actor in the strengthening of intergenerational links “With programs in all genres (news, magazines, entertainment, fiction, cinema, sports), ” without voyeurism or sensationalism », OFTV targets in particular young adults aged 15 to 49, living outside city centres and who are insufficiently represented.

Pool of partner banks, in debt and equity participation

On the editorial level, Ouest-France is supporting the organization of its project on an already existing network. With 1,640 employees, including 780 field journalists, from Normandy to Vendée, and already present in the audiovisual sector through radio stations (Hit West) and participations in local televisions (TVRennes, TeleNantes, 20 Minutes TV), he plans to work through partnerships with regional daily press titles (Rossel group, Ebra, Sud-Ouest, La Dépêche), with external journalists and regional production companies. Internally, the team will be reduced and will have no more than fifty-eight people initially, including twelve in the content management, including an editor-in-chief and an editor-in-chief for the news.

The economic model of OFTV relies on advertising and revenue from the so-called “Total Video” market, which combines linear and non-linear inventories. This market is structurally growing and can absorb new entrants “, judges Marine Morio, marketing director of the subsidiary Additi, citing the figure of 5.3 billion euros in 2030. The marketing of advertising will be entrusted to an established agency.

Ouest-France, which plans to support French creative industries with 400 hours of new programs per year (10 hours per week), plans to secure its funding with ” a pool of partner banks, in debt and minority stakes, as well as with a club of investors from the territories ». « Sipa Ouest-France will retain exclusive control with at least 51% “, said Fabrice Bazard, the general manager.

Human resources and advertising revenue question Arcom

A way of reassuring the members of Arcom who particularly questioned the representatives of Ouest-France both on the editorial feasibility, with the absence of a journalistic and editorial team specific to the media, and on the economic equation of its project.

« How can we guarantee a form of media independence in the middle of the Ouest-France group? How can we ensure editorial control, the veracity of the information and the final cut with such a small team facing so many partners? “, asked Hervé Godechot.

The member of the Arcom college also expressed doubts regarding the revenues brought in and Ouest-France’s projection of multiplying the TV and catch-up TV operating income by 10 in four years.

« It is difficult to understand where you are arriving at where you are arriving, on advertising revenues. Digital advertising is increasing quite strongly by 2030 but it is not benefiting traditional media that much, particularly television and its digital services,” he noted. Ouest-France will know at the end of July whether OFTV is part of the retained chains.