Positions cleared – – 2024-07-26 16:19:00

Tisza party in the EP

The Tisza party, which has just entered the European Parliament (EP), has immediately secured three positions of deputy chairpersons in the individual committees.

The formation, which became the strongest opposition force in this country in the European elections in June, benefited from its membership in the EPP, which sets the tone as the strongest group in the EP. András Tivadar Kulja (l.) will henceforth act as deputy chairman of the Environment Committee, Gabriella Gerzsenyi in the same position in the REGI Committee for Regional Development and the head of the Tisza Party, Péter Hungarianas Vice-Chairman of the Constitutional Committee (AFCO).

The Tisza Party commented on the election of the bodies by pointing out that a “grand coalition” of Fidesz and DK had tried to prevent Péter Magyar’s candidacy, but “fortunately, decisions in the EU are not made according to the pattern of domestic power struggles in Hungary”. The Tisza Party noted that, in contrast to Hungarian practice and in the interests of their homeland, MEPs from other countries could work together. “They vote together to position their country in Europe. A political culture is emerging here that we believe in: there is no left and no right, for us there is only Hungary!”

#Positions #cleared #Budapester #Zeitung



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