Port of Ashdod Challenges South District Police: ‘Deceptive Advertisements Have Damaged Our Image

Shaul Schneider, a senior official at the Port of Ashdod, sent a sharp letter to Superintendent Amir Cohen, commander of the Southern District of the police, in which he expresses his shock at the erroneous publications and emphasizes that “neither bears nor forest”. Schneider points out that a quick check revealed that no raid was conducted in the port area, nor were any senior officials or any of the company’s employees arrested.

On Wednesday morning, the people of the Ashdod Port Company woke up to a bitter surprise: reports in the media about a “police raid” allegedly conducted at the Port of Ashdod, and about the “arrest of senior officials” from the company, caused an uproar among the employees, customers, and business partners in Israel and around the world.

In a letter sent to the commander of the Southern District, Schneider writes: “After our inquiries to you, a clarification was issued on the subject which completely denied the publications that allegedly link the Ashdod Port Company to the affair. The denial to the media that was conveyed by the police spokesperson was late, considered forever in media terms.” Schneider emphasizes that the damage caused to the company as a result of the publication was heavy, and damaged the company’s reputation and business activity.

In the continuation of the letter, Schneider demands that the police make sure that the investigation continues without additional false publications that could harm the port of Ashdod, its management, its employees and its activities. “The damage that has been done cannot be undone,” he writes, and requests the prompt response of Chief Cohen on the issue, as well as his agreement to full cooperation between the communication teams of the two organizations in order to prevent the recurrence of such cases in the future.

Schneider ends his letter by congratulating Chief Cohen on his success in uncovering the affair, noting that “your success is the success of society in Israel.”

The letter was also sent to Brigadier General Miri Regev, the Minister of Transportation and Road Safety, David Amsalem, the Minister of Regional Cooperation and the Minister in charge of the Government Companies Authority, as well as to other representatives in the government and the Ashdod Port Company.

What were the ​false allegations regarding the police raid at Ashdod Port ⁢Company?

Debunking the False Police Raid Allegations: Ashdod Port Company ​Sets the Record Straight

The Port of Ashdod,‍ a major hub for international trade and ⁣commerce, was recently at the center of a media storm after false reports emerged about ⁢a police raid ‍and ​arrests of ⁤senior officials. Shaul Schneider, a senior official at the Port of Ashdod, has written a scathing letter ‌to the Commander of the Southern District of the police, Superintendent Amir Cohen, to express his shock ⁤and outrage over the erroneous​ publications. In ‍this article, we will delve into the details⁢ of the ⁤incident and the aftermath, ⁢highlighting the importance of ⁣accurate reporting and the potential consequences of misinformation.

The False Publications

On Wednesday morning, employees, customers, and business partners of ‌the Ashdod Port Company ​woke up to alarming reports‌ of a police raid on⁤ the ​port and the arrest of senior officials. These reports were quickly spread⁣ through various media ‌outlets, causing‍ widespread panic and damage to the company’s reputation. However, a quick investigation by⁤ the⁢ port ‍authorities revealed that these reports were entirely baseless.

Setting the Record Straight

In his letter to Superintendent ⁢Cohen, Schneider emphasized that⁢ there was​ no police‌ raid on the​ port and⁤ no⁣ senior officials or employees were arrested. He pointed out that the​ police spokesperson had issued a denial of the reports, but it ⁤was too late, and the damage had already been done. The publications had caused significant harm⁢ to‍ the company’s reputation and business activity, which could have long-term consequences.

The Consequences of Misinformation

The incident highlights the ‍importance of accurate reporting ⁢and the ‍potential consequences of misinformation. The spread⁣ of false information can⁤ lead to reputational damage, financial losses, and erosion of⁤ trust‍ in institutions. In this case, the false ⁣reports had a⁤ direct impact on‌ the employees, customers, and business partners‌ of the Ashdod ⁤Port Company, causing unnecessary anxiety and concern.

Demand for Accountability

Schneider’s⁣ letter to ‌Superintendent Cohen is not only a ⁤demand for a correction​ but also a call for ‍accountability. He requests that the police ensure that the investigation continues without any further false publications that could harm⁢ the port of Ashdod, its management, employees, and activities. Schneider‌ emphasizes‌ that the damage caused by‌ the publications cannot​ be undone, but swift‍ action can be taken to prevent further harm.

The Importance of Verification

The incident serves as a reminder of⁢ the⁤ importance of verification in journalism. In today’s fast-paced digital age, news spreads quickly, ‍and false information ‍can spread like wildfire. It is essential for journalists ​to verify information through credible sources before publishing, ⁤to avoid causing harm to individuals ‍and organizations.


The false reports of a police ​raid on⁣ the Ashdod⁤ Port ⁤Company serve as a cautionary ⁤tale about the dangers ‌of misinformation. ⁣The incident highlights the importance of​ accurate reporting, verification, and accountability in journalism. As Schneider eloquently puts⁢ it, “The damage that has been done cannot be undone,” but we can learn from this incident and strive to do better in the future.

Keywords: Ashdod ⁢Port Company, police raid, false⁣ reports,⁣ misinformation, journalism,‍ verification, accountability, reputational damage.

Meta Description: Learn about the false reports of a police raid on⁤ the Ashdod Port Company and the importance of⁤ accurate reporting and verification in journalism.

Header⁤ Tags:

Debunking the False⁢ Police Raid Allegations

The False Publications

Setting the Record Straight

The Consequences of Misinformation

‌ Demand for Accountability

The Importance ⁢of Verification

* Conclusion

, Shaul Schneider emphasized the importance of ensuring the integrity of information before publication. He condemned the rush to judgment by the media and insisted on the necessity for accountability in reporting practices. The piece also discusses the impact of such misinformation on the stakeholders connected to the port and stresses the significance of correcting the narrative.

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Debunking the False Police Raid Allegations: Ashdod Port Company Sets the Record Straight

The Port of Ashdod, a major hub for international trade and commerce, was recently at the center of a media storm after false reports emerged about a police raid and arrests of senior officials. Shaul Schneider, a senior official at the Port of Ashdod, has written a scathing letter to the Commander of the Southern District of the police, Superintendent Amir Cohen, to express his shock and outrage over the erroneous publications. In this article, we will delve into the details of the incident and the aftermath, highlighting the importance of accurate reporting and the potential consequences of misinformation.

The False Publications

On Wednesday morning, employees, customers, and business partners of the Ashdod Port Company woke up to alarming reports of a police raid on the port and the arrest of senior officials. These reports were quickly spread through various media outlets, causing widespread panic and damage to the company’s reputation. However, a quick investigation by the port authorities revealed that these reports were entirely baseless.

Setting the Record Straight

In his letter to Superintendent Cohen



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