Pornographic magazines and harassment.. A Lebanese MP exposes

In the past hours, social media in Lebanon has been buzzing with fiery statements by Representative Cynthia Zarazir, in which she announced that she had been harassed and bullied under the dome of Parliament, and that she had discovered pornographic magazines in the office to which she was handed over!

Zarazir explained on her Twitter account, Tuesday, that “since I entered Parliament, I have not received any respect, indicating that those I will be with for 4 years are human beings first, and respectable people second, and here are some evidence of their high morals.”

She also said that she had received a “dirty desk” containing pornographic magazines on his land and in his closets.

bullying and “confusion”

She revealed that the Amal movement’s deputies bullied her family’s name, as they addressed her with words like “cockroaches” when she entered the parliament hall, according to local media.

She also confirmed, during a press interview, that some deputies had “blundered” outside the hall, expressing her shock, saying: “Shameful. Hoody deputies?”

And she added: “They deal with an elected representative in this way, so how will they treat people who have no voice!”

These statements sparked widespread anger on social media, as some expressed their solidarity with Zarazir, and demanded that she reveal the names of the deputies.



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