Population implosion is serious business

The characteristic socioeconomic “model” of modern civilization is far from viable. It is programmed to self-destruct within four or five generations.

Until just a couple of months ago, worrying regarding the collapse of the birth rate that is affecting almost all developed countries was considered the property of obsessed far-rightists because of the “purity” of their particular ethnicity and therefore scared by the arrival of dark-skinned immigrants, but when the Chinese regime revealed that their country was also losing population at a mind-boggling rate, Western politicians of various ideological leanings agreed. that something very serious was happening.

They are right; Unless mankind as a whole keeps the birth rate above 2.1 children per woman, it will soon share the fate of the dinosaurs. Although for some the disappearance of homo sapiens would not be a tragedy because, in addition to helping to stop global warming, it might benefit forms of life that in their opinion are less destructive, it is to be assumed that, such misanthropes aside, we humans would prefer to imagine that members of our species continue to live for a few more millennia.

Are those like billionaire Elon Musk exaggerating that the danger posed by falling birthrates is greater than that posed by climate changes and the sporadic spread of contagious pathogens like the coronavirus? Many specialists in the field insist that it is positive that the “population bomb” that caused fear a few decades ago has been deactivated, but the panorama has changed so quickly that it will have been difficult for them to adapt to the new reality.

If it was only a matter of the resistance to procreation of the inhabitants of rich countries who do not want to have children because, among other things, they cost a lot of money and often cause discomfort, the immigration of more fertile people from poor places would serve to solve the problem although, of course, it would cause others. However, Even in the most backward regions of the planet something very similar is happening. Everywhere, girls’ enrollment in school is often followed by a sharp drop in births for, for understandable reasons, educated young women are not attracted to the role of submissive wife and mother that was normal in all known societies until the middle of the last century, but which today seems painfully old-fashioned.

Although in the countries hardest hit by voluntary sterility – China, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia and others – political leaders understand that they are facing an existential crisis and do not hesitate to say so, this is not it means they know how to overcome it. For political, ethical, and economic reasons, except in Taliban-run Afghanistan, governments cannot stop women from getting an education or try to exclude them from the labor force, but unless they can make motherhood a much more attractive option. than it clearly is for many, many women, the population will continue to shrink, with more and more old and fewer young. Unfortunately, the math doesn’t lie.

At this point, There is no doubt that, in the long run, the socioeconomic “model” that is characteristic of modern civilization and that, with variations, is spreading to the entire world, is far from viable. It is programmed to self-destruct within four or five generations, that is, within a relatively short time. If not drastically changed very soon, when those currently going through high school prepare to retire, they will find themselves in a situation that might be just as chaotic like those faced by the survivors of the collapse of the Roman Empire and some Chinese dynasties. Needless to say, demographic changes will have unpleasant geopolitical consequences in a world that is far from as peaceful as many would like to believe.

The most combative feminists will not like to remember it, but only women are capable of having children, which means that the future of our species will depend on their collective will to procreate.r an average of at least 2.1 babies per capita; it is expected that “0.1” of those born before reaching maturity will die. For this to be possible, it would be necessary to implement many economic, social and, of course, cultural reforms, some of which would be indignantly repudiated by activists who are determined to convince us that the biological differences between the two “genders” are unimportant. ” – there are those who say that the “genres” number in the dozens – and that, in their opinion, the only ones who take them seriously are reactionaries who feel nostalgic for the tyranny of “patriarchy”.

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