population criticizes MINCIN denial

In the last few hours, the Ministry of Internal Trade of Cuba (MINCIN) issued an official statement denying the rumors circulating on social networks about the elimination of food products from the regulated family basket.

However, the publication It did not have the desired effect among the Cuban population, who soon expressed their frustration and discontent through comments on social networks, questioning the disconnection between the official discourse and the daily reality they face.

Prolonged shortages and criticism on social networks

One of the most representative comments was that of Rosmery Torres, who pointed out the lack of basic products: “It doesn’t make much difference if they have taken everything away little by little and it arrives whenever they feel like it.” This user highlighted that food delivery is irregular, mentioning the lack of milk for children over two years old and the growing suffocation that the Cuban people feel due to the scarcity of resources.

Along the same lines, José Gustavo Rey Torres, a resident of Colón, reported that at the end of September in his town only 2 pounds of sugar had been delivered, while products such as rice and oil were conspicuous by their absence: “Coffee “They haven’t given any for months, and on TV they say: ‘how coffee is produced in Guantanamo.'”

Yolanda Milagros Cardona Salazar, from Santa Cruz del Norte, also highlighted the shortage: “3 pounds of rice and 2 of sugar, is that the entire basic basket?” she asked sarcastically, while Byeol Mart went further and expressed her concern. skepticism towards MINCIN’s denials. Byeol assured that, although the news about the elimination of products from the basket has been declared false, in practice it is almost a reality: “Little by little they have stopped bringing most of the food.”

The harsh reality of food shortages in Cuba

Among the reactions, there were also those who fear that the situation will get even worse. Iliany Matute Cordero pointed out that, although the MINCIN statement has described the news as false, the reality is that fewer and fewer products are distributed and without any prior notice.

For her part, Marisleydis Ramírez Soca also expressed her indignation: «Tell me what person lives an entire month with just 4 pounds of rice and 2 of sugar? “Lack of respect for the people.” His words resonate among thousands of Cubans who face a daily struggle to cover their basic needs, with promises of improvement that do not materialize.

Last September, the Minister of Internal Trade, Betsy Díaz Velázquez, recognized the tensions that affected the distribution of food, due to problems with transportation, fuel, and the lack of electricity. However, he also promised that the situation would improve with the arrival of three ships that were pending payment to the shipowners, which would alleviate part of the shortage.

Despite these statements, the reality has been different. In eastern Cuban regions, for example, rice, a fundamental food in the Cuban diet, has not yet been distributed. This situation has generated growing frustration among the population, who observe how official promises are not fulfilled, while day-to-day life becomes more difficult.

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