Popular / Tough! Juan Jose Zapag to the APF Court: “They kill football

The sad spectacle that was seen, on the night of this Sunday when Cerro Porteño punished by the Court of the APF (Paraguayan Football Association) played without its fans, due to the riots made by a few misplaced before the match played against Libertad, continues bringing tail already.

The president of Cerro Porteño, Juan José Zapag, spoke with 650 AM and hit the APF hard for this decision. “An average of 28 thousand people in this stadium and today we returned to the pandemic thanks to the APF Court, they have to explain what they kill football” he’i voi the peloteril leader.

Upei continued: “The little they have to do, they don’t do it well. Judges are cowards, that’s why they don’t come out in favor of the people. They kill football, these types of people have to change” ombojoapy pochyrope.

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