2024-01-11 09:15:35
Chosen by more than 10 million French people, the Popular Savings Account (LEP) is one of the French people’s favorite savings products. On February 1, its rate should be reevaluated. However, it will not fall below inflation, assures the governor of the Bank of France.
Reserved for people with the most modest incomes, the Popular Savings Booklet (LEP) is “ by far the most interesting product for popular savings », Indicates the governor of the Bank of France. On February 1, its rate, which is currently 6%, should be reassessed downward. However, it should not fall below the inflation rate. In fact, the LEP rate will always remain “ much higher than inflation », announced François Villeroy de Galhau this Thursday morning on France 2.
However, the governor did not give a precise figure. He simply stated that “ it should be between 3 and 6%”. Furthermore, François Villeroy de Galhau indicated that the LEP was “ growing very quickly », specifying that “ 10.7 million booklets are opened, or 3 million more than two years ago “. According to INSEE’s first estimate, inflation reached 3.7% year-on-year in December. An estimate which should be confirmed on Friday.
Still with a view to promoting the LEP, the governor of the Banque de France wants to see the number of savers increase further. “ We can go even further, since there are 19 million French people who are entitled to it “, he assured. To conclude, François Villeroy de Galhau reminded us that the popular savings account is “ an advantage that does not exist among our European neighbors ».
Conditions of access to LEP in 2024
For 2024, the required reference tax income has been updated. According to MoneyVox, the income thresholds are significantly increasing for this year, but differ from one region to another. For example, the first share is estimated at €22,419 in mainland France, €26,531 in Martinique, Guadeloupe and Réunion, €27,737 in Guyana and €41,570 in Mayotte. As a reminder, the threshold set in 2023 in mainland France was 21,393 euros.
Always according to MoneyVox, people with incomes lower than those updated for this year in 2022 can hold a LEP. They just need to go to the nearest branch to start the procedures, because banks generally refuse to carry out the procedures online.
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