Popular pizzeria terminates its lease in the tourist seaside town

But in a post on Facebook, Nanna Sølvkær Schütz writes on her pizzeria’s page that she must now leave the address at Sdr. Strandvej 3D.

“You have given us a terrific start here in the middle of Sdr. Strandvej. And although we have only lived here for two seasons, it is with a certain amount of regret that I have terminated our lease,” the pizzeria owner writes in the post on Facebook.

Before she started the pizzeria in Løkken op, she had a job as an IT consultant in Aarhus. But the dream of having her own, knowledge of Løkken via her parents’ summer house in the town and the fact that she herself comes from Hjørring, led to the opening of Slice of Life in Whitsun 2023.

If the pizzeria’s many customers fear that Nanna Sølvkær Schütz is in the process of winding down her pizzeria, she is ready to reassure the customers.

– Don’t worry – we’re not closing, it comes clearly and promptly from Nanna Sølvkær Schütz, when Nordjyske asks what is going to happen.

In the post on Facebook, she also suggests that it is anything but a closure. Here she writes:

“The space has become too tight for us in our attempt to satisfy your pizza hunger. Slice of Life’s wings must be spread.”

With eight employees and only room for four in the kitchen, a new location with larger rooms is also an obvious direction to go.

However, Nanna Sølvkær Schütz will not yet reveal where she is moving to. When asked directly, she says that “I cannot reveal that at this time.”

– It is with mixed feelings that we have to say goodbye to Sdr. Strandvej, because it is a wonderful location where I love to be. And we have had fantastic support from customers since we started last year. But it’s just too small. We go and move everything around all the time to make room to be here. So we have found a new location, says the pizzeria owner, who is proud of what she and the staff have achieved in the first two summer seasons in Løkken.

– It has only progressed, and we have continuously gained new customers, states Nanna Sølvkær Schütz.

Also read a portrait of the female entrepreneur here:

Also read

Nanna got an idea – now people are queuing in the seaside resort

2024-08-28 08:32:17
#Popular #pizzeria #terminates #lease #tourist #seaside #town



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