Popi Tsapanidou in Koumoundourou

New developments in SYRIZA, where the meeting of the Central Committee of the party at 6 pm on Tuesday (27.06.24) is expected with particular interest.

At around 12 noon, the door of Koumoundourou passed by Popi Tsapanidouwho is expected to be the runner-up for the position of Othon Iliopoulos.

According to the information, Popi Tsapanidou met in Koumoundourou with the office manager of SYRIZAMr. Kapnisakis.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, the day the Parliament resumes its work, Mrs. Tsapanidou is expected to be informed institutionally that she is the first runner-up for the seat of Mr. Iliopoulos.

The resignation of Othon Iliopoulos from the parliamentary office will be announced at the beginning of the session in the House, while the person who will occupy the parliamentary seat is expected to take the oath defined by the Constitution, next Friday.

The information wants her to accept the seat and to be sworn in as an MP next Friday.

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#Popi #Tsapanidou #Koumoundourou



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