On March 13, the tenth anniversary of his election as the successor of Peter, Pope Francis tweeted on his Twitter account, thanking the world for their prayers and inviting them to continue to accompany his pastoral mission with prayers.
(Vatican News Network)Pope Francis thanked prayer letters from around the world in a tweet on his Twitter account on March 13, the tenth anniversary of his election as Successor of Peter. “Thank you for accompanying me in prayer, please continue to do so,” the pope wrote.
On the morning of the tenth anniversary, Pope Francis celebrated Mass with the cardinals in Rome at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, according to a statement issued by the Holy See Press Room. On the same day, Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, President of the Italian Bishops Conference, also delivered a video speech, congratulating Pope Francis on the tenth anniversary of his election. Cardinal Zuppi said that Pope Francis sent a simple greeting of “good evening” to the Church and the world at this moment ten years ago, which “started a dialogue” in history, which is “very important for understanding the Gospel”. Fascinating and persuasive, able to answer the many questions of history and to listen to the problems that arise in the difficulties of human existence”.
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