Pope Francis wants to visit Argentina in 2024, whoever governs

2023-04-23 19:03:00

He Pope Francisco He admitted that he plans to visit Argentina, his native country, in 2024, a trip long overdue since he was elected head of the Catholic Church, but added that he does not like to be linked to one political sector or another.

“I want to go to Argentina next year,” Jorge Bergglio said in a conversation with journalist Joaquín Morales Solá and published this Sunday in the newspaper La Nación-

The journalist said that Francisco’s trip to Argentina was postponed only for reasons related to other trips, although it was always speculated that it had to do with the political situation in the country.

“I’ve been out of the country for ten years and I don’t have the pulse of what is happening in Argentina. It would be unfair that in such circumstances he had sympathies or antipathies“Francis assured.

“It will go, whoever is the figure that is elected at the head of the new Argentine government,” said Morales Solá.

In the middle of the fight for the succession, Francisco said that he might have died: “A little more and I did not count it”

In March, in an interview with journalist Elisabetta Piqué, the pontiff assured that the trip to Argentina “was planned in 2017” but for various reasons. The postponement of his trip to Chile, due to the elections in the trans-Andean country, forced a change in the agenda.

“Then what happened is that things got complicated in a different way, there were two years of a pandemic that pushed trips that had to be done necessarily, even to places where one says ‘what was he there for’, but you had to go. So that Argentina is still waiting. I want to go, I hope to go. Hopefully I can,” he acknowledged in that interview.

“The salvation of the country is not going to come from my trip. I’m going to go with pleasure,” he assured then.

In Argentina, Bergoglio plans to participate in the election of the next archbishop of Buenos Aires, considering that the current one, Cardinal Mario Aurelio Poli, turned 75. “I can only anticipate that there are three strong candidates,” the Pontiff limited himself to saying.

I must take into account the opinion of the Vatican institutions and the cardinals who are in charge of those institutions. It’s not just a personal decision,” he explained.


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