Pope Francis Sets Out on a Historic Journey Across Asia and Oceania

Pope Francis Sets Out on a Historic Journey Across Asia and Oceania

ROME, Italy.- This Monday, the Pope Francis He started his tour around Asia and for the first time to Oceaniaand that will lead you to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Oriental y Singapore until September 13: with a total of 44 hours of travel and some 32,000 kilometersthis will be the longest and most difficult journey at almost 88 years old.

The company’s flight Ita Airways The plane carrying Pope Francis, the Vatican delegation and 75 journalists took off at 17:33 local time (15:33 GMT) and after a 13-hour flight is scheduled to land at Jakarta International Airport at 11.30 local time on Tuesday (4.30 GMT).

To rest from the flight and get used to the time difference, the Holy Father will rest for the rest of the day and on Wednesday the official agenda will begin at the nunciature, where he will reside these days in Jakarta and greet some immigrants and poor people who are cared for by the Community of Sant’Egidio in the country.

A significant deployment of security measures is expected during the stay of the Bishop of Rome in Indonesia because less than a month ago two Catholic churches in the country were in the crosshairs of Islamic extremists in East Java.

Pedro’s successor will remain in Jakarta for three and a half days and will begin his activity on Wednesday at 9.20 am (2.20 GMT), when he will move to the presidential palace for the Courtesy visit to the President of the Republicwhich will be followed at 10:35 (3.35 GMT) by a meeting with authorities, civil society and the diplomatic corps, and his first speech in Indonesia, in front of some 300 people.

In the afternoon, Pope Francis will address the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumptiona cathedral located in the center of the city, facing the Mezquita Istiklalmeeting place with the bishops and the clergy and then walk to the House of Youth for the meeting with the Meeting Schools.

Pope Francis Sets Out on a Historic Journey Across Asia and Oceania

On Thursday, September 5th at 9:00 (2:00 GMT) the interfaith meeting in the Istiqlal Mosque, the largest in all of Southeast Asia, connected to the cathedral by the “tunnel of friendship”where the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church and the Grand Imam will visit him together and then move on to the great hall for the reading and signing of a joint declaration.

Then he will go to the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference for a meeting with those helped by various charitable organizations, and in the afternoon Pope Francis will travel to the Jakarta stadium, where at 5 p.m. (10:00 GMT) he will preside over a mass for some 60,000 faithful.

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#Tour #Asia #Oceania #Pope #Francis #begins #longest #trip #pontificate
2024-09-13 14:13:17

What are the key ⁤objectives of Pope Francis’ 12-day Asia-Pacific‌ tour?

Pope Francis Embarks‌ on Historic ‍12-Day‌ Asia-Pacific Tour

On September 2,⁤ 2024, Pope Francis began his historic 12-day tour of Asia and Oceania, ‌marking the longest ‌and⁣ most demanding journey of​ his pontificate at almost 88 ⁤years old. The tour will take ⁣him to four countries: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Singapore, covering ​a total‌ distance⁢ of 32,000 kilometers and 44 hours ​of travel.

Indonesia: The First Stop

After a 13-hour flight from ⁢Rome, Pope Francis arrived in Jakarta, Indonesia, on ⁣Tuesday, where he will spend ​three and a half days. ​His⁤ official agenda began on Wednesday with a ⁣courtesy visit to the President of ⁣the Republic, followed by a meeting with authorities, civil society,⁤ and ​the diplomatic corps. He will also deliver his first speech in⁤ Indonesia to ⁣an audience of ‍around 300 people.

During his stay in Jakarta,⁣ Pope Francis will meet with ‍immigrants and‌ the ⁢poor cared for by the Community of Sant’Egidio. He​ will⁣ also ​visit the Basilica of Our Lady of‍ the Assumption, where he will meet⁣ with bishops and clergy, and‍ then walk‍ to the House of Youth for⁣ a meeting with Meeting Schools.

Security Measures

A⁣ significant deployment⁤ of security measures is expected during⁢ the Pope’s stay in Indonesia, following attacks on two Catholic churches in East Java by​ Islamic extremists less than a month ago.

Papua New Guinea: A Historic Visit

From‍ September⁣ 6 ‌to 9, Pope Francis will visit Papua New Guinea, becoming the second pontiff ⁣to set‌ foot​ on the island nation‍ after Saint⁢ John Paul II’s visits in 1984 and 1995.

Timor-Leste and Singapore: The Final‌ Leg

After Papua New Guinea, Pope Francis will travel to Timor-Leste, where he will spend two days before ‌concluding his tour in Singapore on September⁢ 13.

What Fuels Pope Francis on his Historic⁤ Tour

According to ⁢reports, Pope Francis fuels his ⁣busy schedule with cappuccinos and⁤ papaya, among other energizing foods [[2]]. His dedication to ⁤promoting⁣ peaceful coexistence between faiths is a hallmark of his papacy, as seen in Jakarta’s “tunnel of friendship,” a⁢ road that connects a mosque and a cathedral⁤ [[3]].

A Journey of Hope and Unity




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