Pope Francis in Luxembourg with service model – Vatican News

Summary of events until noon on the first day (26 September) of Pope Francis’ forty-sixth apostolic visit to Luxembourg

Synopsis: Soundtrack

Fr. Jinu Thekketalakkal, Vatican City

Pope Francis has boarded the plane for his forty-sixth apostolic journey when his heart is filled with all the sweet memories and testimonies of faith of his forty-fifth apostolic journey to the continents of Asia and Oceania. This journey can also be described as Pope Francis’ peace mission from East to West. The message of fraternity, peace, and loving relations that has always sounded in Pope Francis’ 45th apostolic journey, which began in the first week of September, is underlined in the Luxembourg-Belgium trip.

It is this message that is highlighted in the sign of the journey and the ideal. The sign of the visit to Luxembourg depicts Pope Francis blessing the people against the backdrop of Notre Dame Cathedral. While the yellow and white colors highlight the official flag of the Vatican, the blue crescent above it signifies the presence of the Holy Mother. The color underlines the Marian veneration deeply rooted in the history of the Luxembourg Catholic Church. Next is the ideal word ‘to serve’. Following the example of the words of Jesus in the Gospel of St. Matthew, the Pope emphasizes on his journey the motto of serving humanity, which is the true nature of the Church.

Luxembourg continues its journey in Belgium, highlighting the need for the service. The sign highlights the call to walk together. In the background is the map of the nation, and in the middle of it, people of different ages and different cultures are walking along the path, with Pope Francis painted in pink in the middle. The ideal phrase is “hopefully on the way.” This ideal message shares the message that the church is with those who journey through life with hope. Thus Pope Francis’ forty-sixth apostolic journey is a call of service and hope. On the twenty-fifth of September, the day before his departure from Rome, the Pope arrived as usual at the Basilica of Maria Maggiore, and before the miraculous icon of the Salus Poppoli Romani, the Pope dedicated his journey and the people he met along the way with a prayer. Then on the twenty-sixth, before leaving for Rome’s Fiumicino airport in the morning, the Pope received some people sleeping on the streets of Rome at his residence and engaged in friendly conversation with them. Cardinal Krajewski, who coordinates Pope Francis’ charity work, came to visit the Pope with these people.

After arriving at the airport, Pope Francis shook hands with the officials and employees involved in various services at the airport before entering the plane. Then the Pope greeted the Vatican delegation and journalists traveling with Pope Francis inside the plane. At around 8:29 a.m. Italian time, an Italian airline Itta Airways A321 carrying Pope Francis left for Luxembourg. The plane flies over countries like Italy, Austria, Germany and Belgium. As the plane flew over each country, Pope Francis flexibly sent a telegram to the country’s ruler. In the message, though the wording was different, the idea was to seek God’s blessings and wish the kingdom to attain all kinds of prosperity.

Pope Francis spoke welcoming everyone on the plane as well. Pope Francis arrived at the Luxembourg Findel Airport at around 9.56 am local time, while at 1.26 pm Indian time. There is currently a time difference of three and a half hours between Luxembourg and India. Pope John Paul II has visited Luxembourg before. As the second Pope to visit the country, Pope Francis’ visit is eagerly awaited by the faithful.

Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe. There are 271 thousand Catholics in the country out of 654 thousand people. Luxembourg City, where the Pope is visiting, is the largest city in the country, comprising 24 districts. Luxembourg emerged as an independent country in 1890 after being under the control of several countries. Also during World War II, Luxembourg was occupied by some countries. Today, Luxembourg is one of the main centers of the European Union. It is also the birthplace of one of the founders of the Union, Robert Schumann. The city also has many historical monuments like the Notre Dame Cathedral built in Gothic architecture and the Palace of the Principality.

When the plane carrying Pope Francis arrived at a specially prepared place at the airport, Archbishop Franco Coppola, the Vatican representative in Luxembourg and the head of protocol, entered the plane and then brought the Pope out of the plane through a specially prepared path. The Pope was officially received at the airport by the Duke of Luxembourg, his wife and the Prime Minister. Two young people presented flowers to Papa. Then, receiving a guard of honor, the Pope and other heads of state entered the official reception area and sat down. Around a hundred young people gathered around the reception area adding to the joy. Anthems of both the countries were sung and the representatives were introduced to each other. Then around 10.30 local time, Pope Francis left for the Lord’s palace. The palace was located about 9 km away. The palace is one of the main centers of the city and the administrative center of the head of state. After a journey of fifteen minutes, Papa reached the palace. Pope Francis was received at the main entrance by the duke and his wife. Then after a group photo, papa was introduced to the members of Prabhu’s family as they reached the main reception room on the first floor via the lift. Then everyone entered the dance hall.

Pope Francis also wrote his brief message in the book where guests write their respectful messages. “What makes a nation great is to protect the dignity of its individuals, to serve the common good, to promote dialogue and international cooperation,” Pope Francis wrote. After the official photo with the Duke’s family members, a brief private meeting was held between the Pope, the Duke and his wife. Meanwhile, gifts were also exchanged. After the meeting with Prabhu, the Pope also met with the Prime Minister at the same palace at around 11.15 local time.

After the election, on November 17, 2023, Grand Duke Reyale Enrico nominated Luc Frieden as Prime Minister and took power. After his private meeting with the Prime Minister, Pope Francis moved to the Sherle Chitta, located only about five hundred meters away, to meet with representatives of the people and diplomatic officials. On the occasion, all the important authorities of the country were also present. About three hundred people attended the conference. The Pope was received by the Prime Minister and the Mayor. Political, religious and community leaders, various army chiefs, diplomats and entrepreneurs participated in the conference. The Grand Duke and his wife were seated in the first row.

When Papa entered the hall, everyone stood up and greeted him with a standing ovation. Then the Prime Minister spoke by officially welcoming Pope Francis to Luxembourg. The Prime Minister began by saying that he welcomed Pope Francis as the head of state, as the supreme head of the Catholic Church and as a world-renowned moral authority, and expressed his gratitude for the generosity shown by Pope Francis to visit the nation forty years after the visit of Pope John Paul II. The Prime Minister underlined the joy and significance of the Pope’s visit to people living in Luxembourg from different countries. He also highlighted the importance of joint efforts between countries for world peace. When he concluded by saying that the people of Luxembourg were waiting to hear the Pope’s message, the entire hall erupted in cheers.

After welcoming the Prime Minister, the Pope began his message. After the message, Pope Francis signed the visit diary with his short message. After greeting the heads of state once more, the Pope then proceeded to the Archbishop’s residence in an open vehicle. Crowds lined both sides of the road, bowing their heads for the Pope’s blessings and chanting cheers for the Pope. After reaching the Archbishop’s residence, the Pope had lunch and rested



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