Pope Francis Arrives in Singapore for the Culmination of His Asia-Oceania Tour

Singapore.-Pope Francis arrived in Singapore on Wednesday for a 48-hour visit, the fourth and final leg of his long tour of Asia and Oceania.

Thirty-eight years after John Paul II, Francis arrived in the city-state shortly before 3 p.m. local time, where he will address authorities and celebrate a mass in a stadium on Thursday. The Argentine pope previously visited Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and East Timor during his trip.

The visit was seen as an effort to highlight global issues that transcend borders, such as interfaith harmony, international peace, equitable development and combating climate change, said Michel Chambon, an expert on Christianity in Asia at the National University of Singapore.

The Immigration Control Authority (ICA) posted on its Facebook account on Sunday that until the 14th “security checks for travellers will be increased” and warned of possible delays in immigration passes on an island that usually prides itself on its efficiency and punctuality.

For Singapore, Francis’ visit will also be the first major international exposure since Lawrence Wong came to power in May, leaving behind the era of the Lees, led by the “father of the country”, Lee Kuan Yew, and his son and former prime minister Lee Hsien Loong.

The Pope will meet Wong on Thursday before giving a speech at the National University of Singapore, events that will precede the main event of the visit, a mass that day at 5.15 pm (09.15 GMT) at the National Stadium of Singapore, where 50,000 people are expected to attend and tight security controls.

“People are very excited to be able to see him. Obviously there are many Catholics who will not be able to attend, but I think everyone is very happy,” said Elizabeth Rodriguez, a Colombian scientist who won a ticket in one of the raffles organized to distribute them.

Resident in Singapore, Rodríguez says that the volunteers who help ensure security during the mass have been “at the stadium all day preparing” since the beginning of the week, and that food and drink from outside will not be allowed in, although there will be the option to buy them inside.

Following the mass event, Pope Francis will visit a group of sick and elderly people at the Santa Teresa Home on Friday, before honouring the religious diversity of the island of 5.7 million people with a meeting with young people of different faiths at a university residence.

Independence from Malaysia in 1965, the island that was once a fishing island during British colonization only saw its first Catholic priest arrive in 1821, and thanks to its strategic port location, the number of missionaries and faithful grew as the country became more industrialized, reaching around 395,000 today, according to its archdiocese.

“A unique attribute of the Catholic Church in Singapore is its deep relationship with the other religions in the country (…) We meet to discuss and work for the common good,” said Singaporean Cardinal William Goh in a statement published on the Vatican website on September 2.

According to the official census, around 80% of the Singaporean population professes some religion, mainly Buddhism (31%), followed by Christianity (19%), Islam (15.6%), Taoism (8.8%) and Hinduism (5%).

About 37% of Christians are Catholic, and the majority are of Chinese origin, the predominant ethnic group in Singapore (about 74%), followed by Malay (13%, usually Muslim) and Indian (about 9%).

The Pope will leave Singapore on Friday at 11:50 (03.20 GMT), after carrying out the longest international trip of his pontificate at almost 88 years of age and with mobility problems that force him to use a wheelchair.Infobae.

#Pope #Francis #arrives #Singapore #final #leg #tour #Asia #Oceania
2024-09-15 14:44:12

– What are the main‍ objectives of Pope Francis’ visit to Singapore?

Pope Francis Arrives in Singapore for 48-Hour Visit

The Pontiff’s⁢ Fourth and Final‍ Leg‌ of Asia‌ and Oceania Tour

Singapore, a city-state known for its efficiency and punctuality, welcomed​ Pope Francis on Wednesday for‍ a 48-hour visit, marking the fourth and final leg of⁢ his extensive tour of Asia and Oceania. The Pope’s arrival was met with excitement ‍and anticipation, as he prepares to ‍address authorities, celebrate a mass, and highlight global issues that transcend ‌borders.

A Historic⁣ Visit

Thirty-eight years after John Paul II’s visit, Pope Francis arrived in Singapore shortly before 3 pm local time, bringing with him​ a message of interfaith harmony, international peace, equitable development, and combating climate‌ change. This visit is significant, not only for the Catholic community but⁢ also for the nation, as it marks the first major international exposure since Lawrence Wong ⁣took office in May.

Tight Security Measures

In ​preparation for the Pontiff’s visit, the Immigration Control Authority (ICA) announced‌ increased security checks for ⁢travelers, warning of possible delays in⁣ immigration passes. The authorities have taken extra measures to ensure the safety of the Pope and the ​expected 50,000 attendees at​ the National Stadium of Singapore, where the mass will⁤ be held.

Meetings ⁢and Engagements

During his visit,‌ Pope ​Francis will meet with Prime‌ Minister Lawrence Wong on Thursday, followed by‌ a speech at the National ‌University of Singapore. ⁢Later that ​day, he will celebrate the highly anticipated ⁢mass at ⁣the National Stadium, where attendees ​have been preparing for weeks. The Pope will also visit ​a group of sick and elderly people‍ at the Santa Teresa Home on Friday, before ‌honoring the religious ​diversity‍ of the island with ‍a meeting with young people of different faiths at a university residence.

Catholicism in Singapore

Singapore, a country with a rich history, saw its first Catholic priest arrive in 1821. The number of​ missionaries‌ and faithful grew as the country became⁤ more industrialized, reaching around 395,000 today, according to its archdiocese. The Catholic Church‌ in ‍Singapore is known for its deep relationship with other religions, working together for the common good.

A Unique Attribute

“A unique attribute of the Catholic Church in Singapore​ is its deep relationship with the other religions in the country (…) We meet to discuss and work⁣ for the common good,” said Singaporean Cardinal William Goh in a statement published ⁢on the Vatican website‌ on September 2. This aspect⁣ of the Church’s presence in ⁣Singapore ‍is a⁤ testament to the country’s strong⁢ interfaith​ fabric.

A​ Visit of Great‌ Significance

Pope Francis’ visit to Singapore is a significant event, not only for the Catholic community but also for ⁤the nation as⁣ a whole.⁢ It is an opportunity for⁣ the⁤ Pope to highlight important global issues and promote interfaith harmony, international peace, and sustainable development. The visit also marks⁣ a new chapter in Singapore’s history, as the country ⁤continues ⁢to grow and evolve under the leadership of Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

Optimized Keywords: ⁤ Pope‌ Francis, Singapore, Asia and Oceania tour, Catholic Church, ‍interfaith harmony, international peace, climate change, Lawrence Wong, National University of Singapore, National Stadium ‌of Singapore, Santa Teresa Home.

– What are the key highlights of Pope Francis’s 48-hour visit to Singapore?

Pope Francis Arrives in Singapore for 48-Hour Visit

[Image: Pope Francis arriving in Singapore]

Singapore, a city-state known for its efficiency and punctuality, welcomed Pope Francis on Wednesday for a 48-hour visit, marking the fourth and final leg of his tour of Asia and Oceania. This historic visit is seen as an effort to highlight global issues that transcend borders, such as interfaith harmony, international peace, equitable development, and combating climate change.

A Symbolic Visit

Thirty-eight years after John Paul II’s visit, Pope Francis arrived in Singapore, where he will address authorities and celebrate a mass in a stadium on Thursday. This visit is significant, not only for the Catholic community in Singapore but also for the entire nation. The Pope’s presence is expected to bring people together, promoting unity and understanding among different faiths and communities.

Tight Security Measures

In preparation for the Pope’s visit, the Immigration Control Authority (ICA) announced increased security checks for travelers, warning of possible delays in immigration passes. This enhanced security measure is a precautionary step to ensure a smooth and safe visit for the Pope and the thousands of attendees expected at the National Stadium on Thursday.

Meeting with Singapore’s New Leadership

During his visit, Pope Francis will meet with Singapore’s new prime minister, Lawrence Wong, who came to power in May, marking the end of the Lee era, led by the “father of the country,” Lee Kuan Yew, and his son and former prime minister Lee Hsien Loong. This meeting is seen as an opportunity for the Pope to engage with the new leadership and discuss issues of common concern.

A Grand Celebration

The highlight of the Pope’s visit will be the mass at the National Stadium on Thursday, which is expected to attract 50,000 people. Tight security controls will be in place, and food and drink from outside will not be allowed in, although they will be available for purchase inside the stadium. Volunteers have been preparing for the event since the beginning of the week, ensuring that everything is in place for the grand celebration.

Engaging with the Community

Following the mass, Pope Francis will visit a group of sick and elderly people at the Santa Teresa Home on Friday, before honoring the religious diversity of the island with a meeting with young people of different faiths at a university residence. This engagement with the community is a testament to the Pope’s commitment to promoting understanding, compassion, and unity among people of different backgrounds and faiths.

A Brief History of Catholicism in Singapore

Singapore, a former fishing island during British colonization, saw its first Catholic priest arrive in 1821. Thanks to its strategic port location, the number of missionaries and faithful grew as the country became more industrialized, reaching around 395,000 today, according to its archdiocese.

A Unique Attribute

Pope Francis’ visit to Singapore is a significant event that brings people together, promoting unity, understanding, and compassion. As the Pope engages with the community, he will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the people of Singapore, inspiring them to work towards a more harmonious and equitable society.

Keyword Optimization:

Pope Francis


Catholic Church



Interfaith Harmony

International Peace

Equitable Development

Climate Change

Lawrence Wong

Lee Kuan Yew

Lee Hsien Loong

National Stadium

Santa Teresa Home

* Religious Diversity



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