Pope Conquers His Greatest Journey to Date

Cristina Cabrejas
Aboard the papal plane, Sep 13 (EFE).- Pope Francis concluded on Friday what was supposed to be a tough test of his pontificate: the longest international trip, 12 days in which he traveled to four countries – Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore – and which despite his 87 years and his mobility problems, he overcame without problems in good shape and without showing signs of weakness.

The 32,000-kilometre journey, the four time changes and seven flights, which he made by car and the Popemobile, did not seem to have affected the pontiff, who said goodbye to Singapore on Friday with a visit to a home for the elderly and a meeting with young people, where he once again showed his good humour.

It is true that, compared to other trips, the pace of events has been slowed down and he has been allowed to rest from one country to the next with a few free hours upon arrival.

But the Argentine pontiff, who due to knee pain has to move around in a wheelchair, has not given up anything, including the exhausting 40-minute rides in the popemobile among the faithful at masses he has celebrated and also battling the heat and humidity of these countries.

He spent more than 40 minutes walking around the huge Taci Tolu esplanade in Dili in intense humidity and heat, even though he waited until dusk to greet the faithful at the end of the mass, which was attended by some 600,000 people, almost half the population of East Timor.

“The Pope is renewed by the affection of the people. He did not expect all these people to come his way, as has been seen in countries like East Timor, and that gives him strength,” explains one of the members of the Vatican delegation.

And he recounts the Pope’s great satisfaction at having been able to go to Vánimo, a remote town in Papua New Guinea, after having travelled another two hours by plane, to visit the Argentine missionaries who work there among the poorest in one of the poorest countries in the world.

“If you ask the Pope how he is, he doesn’t say ‘I’m tired’ but ‘I’m happy for the meetings and the joy of the people. It’s a different, very Christian perspective on life that makes you feel, perhaps, less tired,” said spokesman Matteo Bruni, when asked by the media.

Francis has been seen shaking thousands of hands in the long lines that formed after his events to greet him without losing patience, stopping his car on numerous occasions to bless the babies that their parents had brought to the side of the road to see him pass by for just a moment, and always approaching the sick for a caress.

And handing out candy to the children, one by one, who performed with songs, dances and playing their instruments during their acts, although always in their wheelchairs.

Francis, a great lover of Asia, following in the footsteps of the Jesuits to which he belongs, also wanted to show that this continent is the hope for the Catholic Church, which is losing followers in secularized Europe while evangelical churches are making headway in Latin America.

East Timor is considered the most Catholic country in the world – not counting the Vatican, with 95% of the population – and this was demonstrated by taking to the streets during the two and a half days that the visit lasted.

Even in Singapore, a multi-religious country where around 43% of its more than five million inhabitants are Buddhist, nearly 20% are Christian, and 14% are Muslim, the Catholic Church currently has 176,000 followers but is the only one that is growing every year, they say.

The Pope, who has said that he will not travel as much due to his mobility problems, will get back on a plane in 15 days to travel to Belgium and Luxembourg, although for the moment there are no other travel plans except for the rumor of a visit to Paris for the inauguration after the restructuring of Notre Dame, while the possible trip to Argentina seems to have been forgotten.

#Pope #passes #ordeal #longest #journey
2024-09-14 09:38:52

How does Pope Francis’s recent international trip reflect his commitment⁢ to spreading hope within the Catholic Church?

Pope Francis: A Testament to Endurance and ​Devotion

Pope Francis has⁤ once again demonstrated ‌his unwavering ‍commitment to ​his faith ⁣and ⁤his people, completing a grueling‍ 12-day international ‍trip to four countries in Asia despite his advanced age and‍ mobility issues. The⁢ 87-year-old pontiff ⁣showed​ no⁢ signs of weakness, traveling over 32,000​ kilometers, navigating four time zones, and​ celebrating masses in ⁣Indonesia,⁢ Papua‌ New Guinea, East Timor, and Singapore.

A Triumph of Spirit

The ⁢Pope’s remarkable endurance is⁢ a testament to‍ his deep devotion to his faith and his people. Despite requiring⁣ the use of a⁤ wheelchair due to knee ⁢pain, Pope Francis has not let ⁤his physical limitations hold ⁤him ⁢back. He has been ‍seen shaking‍ thousands ⁢of hands, ⁤blessing babies, and approaching the sick for​ a caress, all ⁢with a beaming⁤ smile and​ an ⁤infectious sense of‌ joy.

A Mission to Spread Hope

The Pope’s trip was not just ‍a physical test ​but also a⁢ mission ⁢to spread hope and ‍reinforce the ​Catholic Church’s presence in‌ Asia. East Timor, where 95% of​ the population​ is Catholic, was‌ a highlight of⁤ the trip, with the Pope drawing massive crowds and‌ celebrating a ‍mass​ attended by nearly half the country’s population. Singapore, ‌a ‍multi-religious country with ​a​ significant Catholic population, was another important stop‍ on the tour.

Renewed by the‌ Affection of the People

According⁣ to a member of the Vatican delegation,⁣ the Pope​ is “renewed by the⁤ affection of the people” and draws strength from‌ the ‌outpouring of love and ‌support‍ he receives ⁤during his visits. This was evident in the Pope’s enthusiasm⁤ and energy throughout the trip, despite‍ the grueling ⁤schedule and challenging conditions.

A‌ Commitment to the Faithful

The Pope’s dedication to his faith and his​ people is well-documented, ⁣and this trip has only reinforced⁣ his reputation⁤ as⁢ a champion of the‌ Catholic⁤ Church. His willingness to travel to remote ⁢areas and engage with local communities, as he did in Papua New Guinea, is a testament to his commitment to spreading the⁢ message of Christ and supporting the ⁢faithful wherever they may be.

A⁣ Symbol of Hope

Pope Francis’s ‍remarkable trip is a symbol of hope for the Catholic Church, which is facing challenges ‌in⁢ secularized Europe and‍ Latin America. His visit to​ Asia, a continent ​that‌ is increasingly important⁤ to the Church’s ⁢future, has sent a powerful message about the Church’s relevance and vitality.


Pope ⁢Francis’s incredible journey is ⁣a testament to his unwavering commitment to his faith and his people. Despite his physical limitations, he has shown that he remains⁣ a powerful force for good, spreading hope, joy, and inspiration to millions around the world.

Additional Resources

For the latest news and updates on Pope Francis, visit <a href="”>Vatican News. ‌To learn more about the Pope’s life and‌ pontificate, visit the <a⁤ href="”>Vatican website. For breaking news and updates‍ on the Pope’s health,⁣ visit <a ‍href="”>Reuters.

SEO keywords: Pope Francis, Catholic Church, Asia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, Singapore, Vatican, Jesuits.

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title: **Pope Francis Defies Age and Mobility Issues, Completes Successful 12-Day Asia Trip**:

Pope Francis Defies Age and Mobility Issues, Completes Successful 12-Day Asia Trip

At 87 years old and dealing with mobility problems, Pope Francis has just concluded his longest international trip, visiting four countries in Asia – Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Singapore. Despite the grueling 32,000-kilometer journey, four time zones, and seven flights, the Pope showed no signs of weakness, impressing all with his energy and good humor.

The trip, which covered a vast distance, was no easy feat, especially considering the Pope’s mobility issues, which require him to use a wheelchair. However, he was determined to connect with the people, and it showed in his interactions with the faithful, where he was seen shaking thousands of hands, blessing babies, and comforting the sick.

A Testament to the Pope’s Strength and Resilience

The Pope’s ability to overcome the challenges of the trip was a testament to his strength and resilience. He spent over 40 minutes walking in the intense heat and humidity of Dili, East Timor, greeting the faithful at a mass attended by nearly half the country’s population. He also traveled an additional two hours by plane to visit Argentine missionaries in Vánimo, Papua New Guinea, demonstrating his commitment to connecting with the poorest of the poor.

The Pope’s Christian Perspective on Life

When asked about his well-being, the Pope didn’t complain about fatigue, but instead expressed joy and gratitude for the people he met and the experiences he had. This “Christian perspective on life” is what drives him to persevere, despite the physical challenges he faces. His spokesman, Matteo Bruni, noted that the Pope’s happiness and joy are what give him strength, allowing him to push through the difficulties of the trip.

A Celebration of Faith and Community

The trip was also an opportunity for the Pope to celebrate the faith and community of the people he met. He was seen handing out candy to children, blessing the sick, and engaging with the faithful in each of the countries he visited. His love for Asia and its people was evident throughout the trip, as he followed in the footsteps of the Jesuits, of which he is a part.

A Glimmer of Hope for the Catholic Church

The Pope’s trip to Asia was also significant in highlighting the continent’s importance to the Catholic Church. While the Church is struggling to maintain its following in secularized Europe, Asia offers a glimmer of hope, with countries like East Timor, where 95% of the population is Catholic, and Singapore, where the Church is growing every year.

A New Era for Catholicism in Asia

The Pope’s visit to Asia marked a new era for Catholicism in the region, as the Church looks to Asia for growth and renewal. With his message of hope, compassion, and love, the Pope inspired the faithful in each of the countries he visited, solidifying the Church’s presence in the region.

Pope Francis’s successful 12-day Asia trip was a testament to his strength, resilience, and commitment to the people of Asia. Despite his mobility issues, he showed that he is still relevant, still energetic, and still deeply connected to the faithful. As the Catholic Church looks to the future, the Pope’s trip to Asia offers a beacon of hope and a reminder of the importance of faith and community.

SEO Keywords: Pope Francis, Asia trip, Catholic Church, mobility issues, wheelchair, Jesuits, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Singapore, Catholicism in Asia.



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