Residents of the CHSLD Leclerc in Granby have started a hunger strike to denounce the poor quality of the meals served to them.
Frozen vegetables, overcooked meat, large amounts of brown gravy; five residents can no longer take the meals offered by the CHSLD Leclerc.
“I’m tired, tired, tired. […] I eat two meals in my day, cereal and tomato sandwiches. I have to go across the street to buy my tomato sandwich because they don’t have any tomatoes here,” explained Lorraine Massée, one of the residents of the CHSLD on Wednesday morning.
The CIUSS de l’Estrie CHUSS is of the opinion that the photos shown by the residents are not attractive, but that efforts are constantly being made to improve the quality of the food offered.
According to the Institut de la Statistique du Québec, the number of seniors will increase considerably in the coming years.
The Strategic Advisor to the RPCU (Provincial Grouping of User Committees) Marc Rochefort does not understand that a resident cannot obtain a meal as simple as a tomato sandwich.
The Minister responsible for Seniors and Caregivers, Marguerite Blais, confirmed to TVA Nouvelles on Wednesday evening that an inspector will be sent on site to assess the quality of the meals that are served.