POMIDA: What changes with the new law on the Land Registry

As he states, through the new law, the most serious problems of real estate owners regarding their title deeds will be resolved, with a particular emphasis on the possibility of unilateral amendments to acts establishing horizontal ownership and the possibility of removing the invalidity of transfer contracts through the subsequent subjugation of their arbitrariness and unilateral correction of their ownership titles, but also to institute measures to speed up the procedures for completing the land registry, correcting incorrect entries and transferring real deeds.

The main regulations with which problems of property owners are solved are the following:

– Land registration processing within a functioning Land Registry. Requests for correction of article 6A or objections of article 7 or pending decisions of the Examination Committees of article 7A are noted on the relevant cadastral sheet. If the submitted application or objection is accepted, the head of the competent cadastral office or branch corrects the first entry in accordance with the provisions of the decision, which is noted on the relevant cadastral sheet, only the reasoned refusal being allowed. If the submitted application or objection is rejected, the decision is noted on the relevant cadastral sheet.

-Acceleration and digitization of the process of correcting spatial changes in cadastral maps.

-Simplifying the process of correcting obvious errors in cadastral records.

– Possibility of easily correcting “unknown owner” real estate records, in favor of the real and legal owner.

-Establishment of a second-level judgment procedure on requests for correction of cadastral records.
Accelerating the time of transcription of notarial deeds through the use of artificial intelligence.

– New procedure for correcting cadastral records in forest areas, in case of a decision to accept objections against the forest map, so that the corrections are made within the Cadastre Office and not judicially.

-Establishment of the possibility of unilateral modification of horizontal or vertical property establishment deeds in terms of the surface, outline and use of the properties.

-Possibility of transferring a horizontal or vertical property with an area deviation of up to 2% without requiring correction of the title deed.

– Possibility of unilateral notarial transfer of the right to exclusive use of a property to another of the same owner, of the same building, which lacks such space.

-Possibility of lifting the invalidity of a transfer or creation of a real right that took place before 1.5.2024 through the subsequent subjugation of the arbitrariness or the urban planning violations that had been established before the above actions if permitted and if a Building Identity is drawn up. In the event that the notarial deed drawn up in violation of the first paragraph needs correction in terms of the property’s details, it can be corrected by the last acquirer of the right in rem, unilaterally, by attaching only the ENFIA Certificate of the last acquirer, the Completeness Certificate of Electronic Building Identity , the certificate of incorporation, the layout of the floor plan, and the extract of the cadastral diagram. Any required tax return is submitted unilaterally.

– Pre-agreements: Possibility of drawing up by self-contract definitive real estate transfer contracts with compelling reason in execution of old pre-agreements until 31.8.2024, with no expiry date.

-Extension of the deadline for the validation of “anomalous legal acts” until 31.12.2027.

These provisions will be analyzed in detail in a special seminar for POMIDA members that will take place on Thursday, October 10, 5 p.m. in the Event Hall of the offices of POMIDA, by the President and the scientific staff of POMIDA, with the participation of the President of the Coordinating Committee of the Notarial Associations of Greece, Mrs. Eleni Kontogeorgou.

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#POMIDA #law #Land #Registry



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