Polydactyly: the condition that affects Marvvila

Singer Marvvila, a BBB23 participant, revealed in a conversation with another brother that she was born with polydactyly, a condition characterized by the presence of one or more extra fingers, either on the hands or feet.

Marvvila explained that there is a strong genetic component in her family, and many relatives also have extra fingers. The singer said that her extra finger was born on her hands, next to her pinky. She even looked for a dermatologist to remove it before being confined, but the doctor did not remove it completely.

Understand what polydactyly is

Polydactyly, also called supernumeric finger, is a congenital malformation characterized by the presence of six fingers or more, either on the feet or hands. These extra fingers can be fully formed, with bones and joints, but they can also be made up of just skin—in these cases, they are small and non-functional.

The anomaly is usually discovered during pregnancy, through ultrasound. According to the Brazilian Society of Hand Surgery, the formation of the extra finger in the fetus usually begins in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In most situations, the condition is genetic and called autosomal dominant, that is, it is passed on to all generations of the family. But even though all relatives have the gene, not everyone is born with extra fingers.

In cases that are not inherited from relatives, polydactyly may result from some syndromes, such as Bardet-Biedl (a complex disorder that affects several parts of the body, including causing retinal degeneration) and Greig’s syndrome (a rare disease that causes multiple congenital anomalies). Therefore, it is important to investigate the causes of the condition soon following its identification.


The indicated treatment for polydactyly is the removal of the extra finger. In some cases, surgery may be accompanied by reconstruction of the joints, muscles, and ligaments to prevent the original fingers from changing position over time.

However, it is important to emphasize that the condition does not pose serious risks to the patient’s life, but it can generate psychological damage caused by bullying.

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