Polycystic Ovary, Unfer “New Definition for Better Treatment” – Arezzo

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine-gynecological disorder that affects women of childbearing age, between 5 and 18% of the female population, with significant consequences on reproductive, metabolic, psychological health and quality of life. It is a condition that generally begins to manifest itself in adolescence with signs and symptoms that often overlap with the normal hormonal changes of the developmental years: irregular menstruation, acne and weight gain. For this reason, it is not easy to diagnose due to the complexity and heterogeneity with which it presents itself. The spread of PCOS is therefore a significant problem that requires a lot of attention from doctors, especially for its physical and mental implications, as explained by Vittorio Unfer, gynecologist and professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the UniCamillus University of Rome. “PCOS – he states – is a very complex condition, characterized by significant clinical signs in women, including prolonged absence of the menstrual cycle, difficulty conceiving, weight problems, acne and hirsutism. These manifestations also have important psychological implications, such as a sense of inadequacy, discomfort and depression, which should not be underestimated”. In this month, however, it is crucial to focus attention on the importance of a new and accurate definition of PCOS. “We need to move towards a new definition of PCOS. Today there is a new way of diagnosing and interpreting this pathology. For many years we have referred to the 2003 Rotterdam classification by ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology), but over the years this has shown to have limitations. On the contrary, a correct classification is also essential for deciding on the most appropriate treatment.”, explained the gynecologist. However, it is also good to know in depth the differences between the different phenotypes to decide on the right treatment for each woman: “For the classification of PCOS, three symptoms are mainly considered: the presence of ovarian cysts, hyperandrogenism and alterations in the menstrual cycle. The novelty lies in the fact that the first three phenotypes, A, B and C, are all characterized by hyperandrogenism and are associated with metabolic syndrome, with excess insulin. On the contrary, in phenotype D, the ovary plays a central role in the disease. For this reason, the therapeutic rationale must necessarily be different and tailored to the patient” concludes Unfer.-photo xi2 Italpress –(ITALPRESS)

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