Polyclinic, only 250 births since the beginning of the year. Uncertainty about the future of the birth center – L’Eco di Bergamo

On the one hand, the difficulty in booking visits during the pregnancy. On the other At Italy: Serie A, turned upside down by 80 cases of Covid, faces up”>Bergamo to reiterate to the mayors of the area that no definitive decision has yet been taken and the San Donato Group to specify that «all essential services are guaranteed despite the continuous and significant reduction in births”, approximately 250 from the beginning of January to October 17, and “with the 24-hour presence of a gynecologist and two midwives».

On the future of Birth Center of the San Pietro Polyclinic a big question mark remains. This time, the issue was raised by a pregnant woman who was due to give birth next January at the San Pietro Polyclinic and who in recent days was invited by Cup to move her bookings elsewhere “given the imminent closure of the birth centre”. «They advised me – explains the pregnant woman – to go to the ward to get precise answers and the doctors confirmed that they had known about the closure for months».

The entrance to the Pote San Pietro Polyclinic

(Photo at Beppe Bedolis)

No confirmation, however, from the Group which, with a note signed by the Health Management, reiterates that “the Hospital is working to ensure the provision of essential services relating to the birth point”. And even Ats Bergamo does not refer to any closures: «The constant monitoring of the volumes of activity, in addition to the dialogue with the structures themselves – it says – guarantees the protection of the health of citizens who turn to health structures in the Bergamo area . At the moment there are no organizational or logistical changes to the Polyclinic which may lower or modify the level of safety of the healthcare services provided. We will follow every change in the organizational structure of the structure, activating the necessary actions if necessary, sharing them with the administrators and stakeholders of the territory”.

“Ats – a spy Shows Imeripresident of the Conference of Mayors of the Asst Bergamo Ovest – informed us that he is monitoring the situation and that any assessment will be made also involving the Board of Mayors”. Not before, therefore, a comparison with the territory, as hoped by the president of the Assembly of Mayors of the Isola and Val San Martino District, Alessandra Locatelli, also asking to «protect the right of choice of every woman giving birth, guaranteeing all of them ‘adequate assistance’. Which, according to the pregnant woman, would instead be compromised: «There are women who do not have the tools to deal with the inconveniences created by a similar situation – reiterates the woman in the seventh month of pregnancy -. Yet I remember that in the past you would already pass pregnant women in the driveway. Now the department is empty.”

The situation of the department

Or almost. According to information from the RSU of the Polyclinic, there are currently only a mother and a newborn baby present: «On Thursday we met the company and among the points under discussion there was also the update on the Birth Point – he reports Katia DezioRSU coordinator of the San Pietro Polyclinic –. The obstetrics inpatient department, the obstetric emergency room and the nursery are open, but with a reduced staffing, for the management, in total safety, of emergencies that cannot be transferred to another structure. In recent months, some midwives, after having received confirmation of the gradual but definitive closure of the department, have chosen to resign. Our head obstetrician Giuseppe, with a great sense of responsibility and duty, is constantly available. The first relocations of 2 of the 8 nursery nurses in the front office administrative sectors have also begun. Discontent remains strong due to the inconvenience of the citizens and the territory of Isola and the Merate area.”

The unions’ complaint

The unions had already reported last April the closing of the first obstetric visits. Since then a series of discussions between the San Donato Group, unions and ATS, which is responsible for the final decision on the basis of the guidelines of the Ministry of Health which set in 500 births needed to keep the birth center open.

Last year, 501 children were born at the Polyclinic and in the first 10 months of 2024 only 250, seriously putting at risk what has so far been the only and historic birth center in the area. «Closing the birth center in Ponte, after those in San Giovanni and Piario, is madness – he adds Gianbattista Briosch ipresident of the Assembly of Mayors of the Val Imagna – Villa d’Almè area -. Several pregnant women from Val Brembana and Val Imagna also refer to this structure.”

The Baby Dilemma: Where’s the Love for Newborns in Bergamo?

Ah, the joys of pregnancy! The cravings, the kicks, and the delightful conversations with your unborn child… but wait! What if, halfway through all that babbling and munching on pickles and ice cream, you’re told, “Oh, by the way, your birthing center might close”? Let’s dive into this perplexing situation in Bergamo, shall we?

The Uncertain Frontier of The San Pietro Polyclinic

Imagine this: a lively woman in her seventh month of pregnancy walks into the San Pietro Polyclinic, excited to book her spot for the big day. “Congrats!” they say, “But how about this alternative hospital 50 km away?” Must be a new health trend called ‘Hiking While Pregnant’, right? Talk about a baptism of fire for new parents! The chaos of booking visits, coupled with a questionable future for the Birth Center—sounds like something straight out of a comedic sketch!

Apparently, births have dipped alarmingly—from 501 babies last year down to 250 this year as of mid-October. Let’s put that in perspective: If you were throwing a party and only half your guests showed up, you’d be making some frantic phone calls, saying, “Hey, what’s going on???” You’d want answers, not just comforting words like, “All essential services are guaranteed,” while you’re left wondering if that comes with or without a side of existential crisis.

Whispers of Closure

Now, the San Donato Group insists that no decisions have been made, but here’s the kicker: The doctors have known about potential closures for months! It’s like a surprise birthday party where only the planners know it’s happening. And who are we kidding? That’s a party I wouldn’t want to crash—unless you’re into awkward silences and “What are we supposed to do now?”

The really cheeky part? One pregnant woman eagerly shared that she encountered a suggestion to go to a different ward for “precise answers” about her delivery. Precise answers, ladies and gentlemen, in a situation where uncertainty is the only certain companion! One can just imagine the bureaucratic mumbo jumbo taking place. Someone hand her a microphone so she can declare: “I came for the baby, not the confusion!”

Essential Services and Staff Shortages

Reports claim that only one mother and her newborn were spotted in the department recently. It seems like the remaining staff are either hiding or preparing for a dramatic exit, desperately searching for another gig where they don’t have to perform mental gymnastics to keep patients calm. Because let’s be real—everyone knows a pregnant woman’s superpower is discernment; she can smell nonsense from a mile away!

Even the unions are starting to sound the alarm bells. Remember when you used to have to wait for your family’s birth announcements? Well, it seems in Bergamo, people are eagerly waiting for news on whether their local birth center is open or closed. “500 births needed to keep the lights on,” they say. So basically, you either have a robust birth rate, or the centers go poof! If that’s not the most dramatic “survivor series” I’ve ever seen, I don’t know what is!

Conclusion: It’s Not Just a Baby Thing!

So, when it comes to the future of the Birth Center at San Pietro Polyclinic, we can’t help but be left with that uncomfortable feeling—like getting a surprise popsicle stick on the back of your head during a nice day out. Isn’t it time that pregnant women got the full support and choice they deserve? Chaos shouldn’t be beauty’s best friend when giving birth. At the very least, let’s make the arrival of our future generation smoother than a well-rehearsed punchline!

In conclusion, whether through good luck or sheer determination, let’s hope for clarity amidst the confusion. Because anyone can make a baby, but ensuring a baby is born in a supportive and safe environment? Well, that’s the real challenge!



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