Pollution peaks: review information and alert thresholds to better protect populations | Anses

2021-10-06 09:31:10

Several information and alert thresholds for action during pollution peaks

To limit the health effects of pollution peaks, French regulations provide for action thresholds based on the concentration measurement in the air for various pollutants such as particles, nitrogen dioxide, ozone or sulfur dioxide. These benchmarks are updated over time periods ranging from a few hours to a day depending on the pollutants.

It exists two threshold levels : an information and recommendation threshold and an alert threshold. Depending on the threshold reached, adapted measures are implemented at the local level, such as informing sensitive populations, reducing vehicle speeds or requiring manufacturers to reduce their emissions.

At the same time, the French ATMO index informs citizens on a daily basis about the state of air quality. It is based on the benchmark of the European Air Quality Index recently modified by the European Environment Agency.

Anses has been contacted on the modification of the thresholds for triggering prefectural procedures in the event of episodes of ambient air pollution and on their articulation with the ATMO index levels.

Develop thresholds in line with the recently updated WHO ambient air guide values

After analyzing the most recent scientific literature, ANSES observes that health risks occur at pollutant concentration levels below the thresholds currently in force. The Agency therefore proposes to revise the information and alert thresholds downwards to ensure a better protection of population health. These thresholds should be closer to the new guide values ​​for short-term action recently published by l’OMSwhich reflect new available epidemiological knowledge.

Aligning regulatory thresholds with the ATMO index

The European index European Air Quality Index and the French ATMO index would also deserve to be revised in light of the new values ​​published by the WHO, so that these indicators used to inform populations reflect the state of knowledge regarding health risks.

Finally, ANSES points out that the largest share of the burden on the health of the population is attributable to the average level of ambient air pollution and not to pollution peaks. It thus underlines the essential role of public policies in combating the harmful consequences of air pollution. in the long term.

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