Pollution and noise are associated with worse mental health

Pollution and noise are associated with worse mental health

MADRID (EFE).—Exposure to air and noise pollution in the early stages of life, even in the womb, is associated with three common mental health problems (psychotic experiences, depression and anxiety) from adolescence to young adulthood.

This is the conclusion of a study published in JAMA Network Open, led by British researchers from the University of Bristol, which analyzed data from more than 9,000 participants in southwest England, from pregnancy in 1991-1992 until the children were 24 years old.

Researchers examined the long-term impact of exposure to air and noise pollution during pregnancy, early childhood and adolescence on three common mental health problems: psychotic experiences, depression and anxiety. The results suggest “an important role” of exposure to air pollution, in this case to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in early life (including prenatally) in the development of mental health problems in young people, the authors write.

“Relatively small” increases in fine particulate matter during pregnancy and childhood were associated with more psychotic experiences and depressive symptoms many years later in adolescence and early adulthood, the university said.

Each 0.72 microgram per cubic meter increase in PM2.5 during pregnancy and infancy was associated with an 11% and 9% increase in the odds of experiencing psychotic experiences, respectively. Exposure to such pollution during pregnancy alone was associated with a 10% increase in the odds of experiencing depression.

Regarding noise pollution, greater exposure in childhood and adolescence was associated with higher odds of anxiety.

These associations persisted after accounting for many related risk factors, such as family psychiatric history, socioeconomic status, and other area-level factors such as population density, deprivation, green space, and social fragmentation.

In both cases, psychotic experiences, depression and anxiety were measured at ages 13, 18 and 24, the study said.

Critical periods

Childhood, adolescence and early adulthood are critical periods for the development of psychiatric disorders: worldwide, almost two-thirds of those affected become ill before the age of 25, noted Joanne Newbury of the University of Bristol and one of the signatories.

The results of this study add to “a growing body of evidence – from different populations, locations and with different study designs – suggesting a detrimental impact of air pollution (and potentially noise pollution) on mental health,” she added. Early exposure to these factors could be detrimental to mental health given the extensive brain development and epigenetic processes that take place in the womb and during childhood, the research notes.

In the case of air pollution, it could also cause restricted fetal growth and premature birth, which are risk factors for psychopathology.

The evidence was “strongest” for exposure to noise pollution in childhood and adolescence, which could increase anxiety by increasing stress and disrupting sleep.

Loud noise may also cause chronic physiological arousal and disrupt endocrinology. Noise pollution may also affect cognition, which could increase anxiety by affecting concentration during school years.

Interestingly, the researchers found that noise pollution was associated with anxiety, but not with psychotic experiences or depression.

However, they cautioned that the noise pollution measure for this study only estimated the decibels (intensity) of road sources but not other noise characteristics, such as pitch, that could be relevant to mental health.

The authors highlight the suitability of actions to reduce exposure to air and noise pollution, for example through clean air zones, which could improve the mental health of the population.

They also believe that further studies are needed to shed more light on the underlying causes of these associations.

#Pollution #noise #worse #mental #health
2024-07-30 16:01:30



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