Pollestad not incompetent in Noah cases

Pollestad not incompetent in Noah cases

It is the legal department in the Ministry of Justice that has concluded that Pollestad is not incompetent and can therefore handle cases where the animal protection organization is involved, reports NRK.

In 2023, then Minister of Agriculture Sandra Borch (Sp) decided that Noah would no longer receive state support. When Pollestad took over the ministerial job, the organization asked that his competence be assessed in connection with new budget rounds. They wrote in a letter of complaint last autumn that Pollestad has repeatedly expressed “personal commitment to weaken Noah”.

An episode of the podcast “Stortinggarasjen” is among what the lawyers in the Law Department have assessed. In the podcast, Pollestad says, among other things, that he became “furious, jumping angry” when he saw Terje Aasland (Ap) at a Noah event against fur animals. He also admitted that he had a “little difficulty” with the organization.

In its assessment, the legal department states that the Minister of Agriculture in the podcast can be perceived to have a “certain dislike towards the organisation”. They still believe that a lot needs to be done before special involvement in a case can lead to one becoming incompetent, and that a certain personal reluctance is not enough.

Pollestad himself tells NRK that this confirms the assessment he himself has made about his own competence.

#Pollestad #incompetent #Noah #cases
2024-09-03 07:33:16



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