Politics: “Félix Tshisekedi in the footsteps of Mobutu”

Tshisekedi kills and spreads terror to establish his power, say indiscretions. After the revelation of the cause of Chérubin Okende’s death by the Attorney General, everyone’s accusing eyes were turned towards one man: the Head of State Félix Tshisekedi. The guarantor of the Nation is cited in the murder of Moïse Katumbi’s relative by all opposition leaders.

For Claudel Lubaya, the country is experiencing a terrible journey into the past; past nourished by the maintenance of a regime through terror and blood of the Congolese population. Old demons from the past resurface. “Curiously, several years later, the same methods [ de MOBUTU] resurface, under the regime of President TSHISEKEDI, and with the same goal as before: to impose terror, arouse fear and silence any opposition to his power so that he remains, like Mobutu: L ‘Lone Man, The Autocrat, The Wicked Dictator,’ the former governor wrote.

In this way, everyone fears the rebirth of a troubled past and an episode of sad memory. For the aforementioned politician, the baobab will fall like its idol, without fail. “And since the same causes always produce the same effects, no one is unaware of what happens next. A power which uses justice for political ends, to defame dissidents and reduce them to silence, which uses invective, brutality, arouses fear, maintains partisan militias, represses freedoms and assassinates its opponents is nothing other than a bloodthirsty dictatorship,” concluded Claudel Lubaya.

Gael Hombo

2024-03-02 14:15:12
#Politics #Félix #Tshisekedi #footsteps #Mobutu



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