Politicians must finally recognize the potential of childminders!

Politicians must finally recognize the potential of childminders!

2024-10-06 22:00:20

In Austria the need for places in child care is increasing. In addition to kindergartens, childminders can make an important contribution, particularly in smaller communities and companies. The aid organization warns that this potential could be exploited even better, especially given the staffing crisis in kindergartens.

Childminders and childminders have been an indispensable part of childcare in Austria for years. In family-oriented structures, they look after children from infancy to teenagers. The small groups with a maximum of five children are particularly suitable for younger children, as this allows the needs and development of each individual child to be optimally addressed. This makes childminders important contact persons for children as well as for parents, which often results in a close parenting partnership. In addition, childminders can flexibly adapt their childcare times to the parents’ working hours and thus ensure tailor-made care. They often supplement institutional childcare facilities at off-peak times, in the morning, in the evening and during the holidays.

Good solution for communities with a need for flexibility

As a rule, childminders and childminders provide care in their own living space. However, some federal states, including Styria and Salzburg, have recognized and expanded the potential of this form of care. This makes it possible for childminders to also work on company and community premises. In this context, their flexibility and individual support offer a valuable contribution to the regional care infrastructure. Using childminders is a great solution for our community. This means we can react quickly and flexibly to current needs without having to create a new room for an additional kindergarten group. For our local parents, our childminders provide an attractive childcare option for their childrenemphasized Mayor Werner Haberl, Gaishorn am See.

Childcare plays a crucial role, especially in rural areas. It has been proven to have an impact on the migration behavior of young women and therefore entire families. A lack of infrastructure, particularly in the areas of childcare and after-school care, is one of the main reasons why women between the ages of 20 and 29 leave rural communities. This accelerates demographic change and leads to a shortage of skilled workers in regional companies, the study “Go or stay?” by Gerlind Weber and Tatjana Fischer stated back in 2012. (Study Go or stay? Weber and Fischer)

Good solution for small and medium-sized businesses

Childminders often prove to be an interesting option in companies too. This “company day parent” model is already being successfully implemented in Salzburg and Styria, for example at the Styrian plastics and tool making specialist ELT: The implementation of a company childminder was a conscious strategic decision. We experience directly how much this care solution increases the satisfaction of our employees. This investment not only contributes significantly to the long-term retention of our skilled workers, but also gives us a clear competitive advantage – especially at a time when family-friendly conditions are becoming increasingly important when choosing an employertell Dagmar Ajtic and Esther Lang, both managing directors of ELT

The offer of in-company childcare provided by childminders is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized businesses, as it can be implemented with a minimum of two children. The childcare opening times adapt to the parents’ working hours. This makes it easier for mothers and fathers to return to work and consequently ensures that they return to work sooner after maternity leave. In addition, company childcare also reduces the pressure for young parents to have to combine work and family part-time with a small number of hours.

Aid organization for expanded use of childminders

In view of the increasing need for childcare places, the aid organization strongly advocates expanding the range of possible uses of the tried and tested form of childcare provided by childminders throughout Austria. It is high time to adapt the legal regulations in the federal states and the financing model for childminders to the needs of modern families. With the right framework conditions, we could make even better use of the potential of childminders and significantly improve the compatibility of family and work“, means Isabella Ecker, head of the department for children, youth and families at the Austrian Relief Organization. “It cannot be the case that politicians do not recognize this potential and continue to ignore this great form of care – and that in view of the staffing crisis in kindergartens,” concludes Ecker.

The Austrian Relief Organization, with its regional and sub-associations, is one of the largest non-profit providers of health, social and family services in Austria. In the elementary education and extracurricular areas, around 2,400 employees look after around 20,500 children and young people in more than 500 facilities.

www.hilfswerk.at | facebook.com/hilfswerk.at | instagram.com/hilfswerk.at

#Politicians #finally #recognize #potential #childminders



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