Politician: I would rather look after my cows than go into government with Morten Messerschmidt

This is a discussion post. The post is an expression of the writer’s own position.

I can understand that Morten Messerschmidt is unhappy that I said that I would rather look after my cows than enter into a government collaboration with the Danish People’s Party.

It’s a serious threat all the while that I like looking after cows.

This is the background for the significant counter-attack from Morten Messerschmidt and Anders Vistisen on me personally and the radical foreign policy on 20 February in North Jutland.

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My threat is not about cows, but about the very significant right turn Morten Messerschmidt has given the Danish People’s Party since he took over as party leader.

In violation of the constitution

In several debates both inside and outside the Folketing, I have heard Morten Messerschmidt speak about the superiority of Christianity in a language that I thought belonged to the past.

The Danish People’s Party now openly admits that it wants Denmark to withdraw from central human rights conventions, including the European Convention on Human Rights.

The Danish People’s Party has tabled a large number of resolution proposals, including banning Islamist headscarves and large mosques, which clearly contradict both the constitution and one of the most fundamental and oldest human rights, namely freedom of religion.

It is a failure of historical dimensions.

Failing the EU – and Denmark

The Danish People’s Party also repeatedly fails European cooperation, which is our most important hope in a time of rapidly increasing threats.

While more and more EU countries and governments are moving together, Morten Messerschmidt and Anders Vistisen use their political energy to undermine the EU.

They have distinguished themselves as the strongest critics of the strengthened European defense cooperation that we so badly need. And most recently, the Danish People’s Party, with narrow and nationalist arguments, has demonstrated its irresponsible foreign policy by voting against the frigate, which will be part of the defensive and diplomatic EU mission to protect the ships in the Red Sea.

It is not the Radical Liberals who are isolated in Danish foreign policy.

It is the Danish People’s Party.

The party is ready to let down everything that Denmark has believed in and fought for since the Second World War.

Our values ​​are our defense

It’s not just worrying. It is also extremely short-sighted.

What Morten Messerschmidt overlooks is that our best defense is not our weapon. These are our values. It is precisely the belief in democracy, the rule of law and human rights.

If we undermine those values, we will seriously lose the fight against extremism and fundamentalism in the world. And the Danish People’s Party is in full swing.

Morten Messerschmidt, from the floor of the Folketing, spoke strongly against the very philosophical foundation on which we build, namely that “all people are born free and equal in dignity and rights”.

A foundation that dates back to the American Declaration of Independence and is expressed in Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That foundation is our strongest defense.

Young men raise their arms and salute

For the Danish People’s Party, the focal point of all politics has become an Islamophobic and nationalist intoxication, and this gradually overshadows any outlook and any cooperation.

The democratic, pragmatic line that characterized the Danish People’s Party under Kristian Thulesen-Dahl has been replaced by a frightening rhetoric that isolates the party more and more.

It is no coincidence that good and pragmatic forces like René Christensen leave the party.

Unfortunately, there are similar trends in other European countries. I am deeply concerned about the rightward turn we are seeing in Europe, and which Morten Messerschmidt and the Danish People’s Party increasingly represent in Denmark.

We see groups of young men raising their arms and healing in Italy.

Alternative für Deutschland in Germany plans mass deportations with neo-Nazi groups.

Worrying movement

Therefore, and here I will give Morten Messerschmidt the right: the distance between the Radical Left and the Danish People’s Party has increased significantly.

Not because we have moved, but because the Danish People’s Party is moving in a very worrying direction.

Radical foreign policy is persistently based on human rights and on European and international cooperation.

The Danish People’s Party is based on right-wing populism and nationalism. We have tried the latter. With disastrous results. That does not prevent the Danish People’s Party from trying again.

It seems to be a very good argument for not entering into a government collaboration with the Danish People’s Party.

For Denmark’s sake.

also read

Messerschmidt: Radicals must not be included in a bourgeois government

2024-02-27 18:36:51
#Politician #cows #government #Morten #Messerschmidt

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