Political ratchets: When the past “takes its toll”


In December 2016, the case of the acquisition of blankets to attend to the cold in the Andean zone of the Moquegua region was heard, it was when Jaime Rodríguez was regional governor for the second time.

They wanted to deliver 10,000 quilts, making believe that they were blankets for an amount that exceeded a quarter of a million soles and the matter did not go unnoticed because, whichever way you look at it, it was all a reverent scam against the most needy population.

Finally, and the prosecutor’s office doing its job, the official who brought it from another side and the supplier who was favored in every way were sentenced. The other related workers who were saved “by a hair”, are the ones around here, who simply followed orders from the bosses.

It will be for this and other cases that the former governor failed to win a third regional election. In other words, and like when the past “takes its toll”…IN THE POLITICAL RATCHETS, EVERYTHING IS KNOWN.

The messages of the 100 days

We are creating false expectations or the scenario is too big for what could be presented by each of the authorities that are about to complete their first 100 days of management.

Even in populated centers there is talk of the 100-day report, although what could happen is that they will report on how the institution was found and if there were irregularities, the new municipal officials and in the regional government do not have the capacity to measure possible crimes ; the competent entity will take care of that.

As for works, it would be ideas and, at most, profiles, because those who prepare files are, as far as is known, “slower” than the tortoise. Some mayors, without waiting 100 days, have already announced a new municipal palace with more than 10 floors with elevators and a heliport, another announces a large stadium when we already have one the size of a pachyderm and that not even in 100 years of use will their investment be recovered …IN POLITICAL RATCHETS, EVERYTHING IS KNOWN.

Club Moquegua in time

This April 4th, the Moquegua Social Club commemorated its 103 years of institutional life and as it was a weekday the 135 members came forward celebrating the last Sunday with lunch, orchestra and dance in camaraderie. Of the founders there is no one left, they are all deceased, they were one of those who represented the “cream and cream” of the Moqueguanos descendants of their Spanish foundation and others that date from the founding of the Republic.

Among the managers of institutional heritage are notables such as Pomareda, Ghersi, Biondi, Villegas and others. Today is different, if before the partners were purely male, now there are also female partners, there are even partners and managers from other parts of the country; but as President Alberto Ghersi says: “they are Peruvians.” That is to say, the institution has been democratized and finally, the “pure strain” Moqueguanos are in extinction… IN THE POLITICAL RATCHETS, EVERYTHING IS KNOWN.

From one party to another holiday

And the activities for the 87th anniversary of the political creation of the General Sánchez Cerro province ended. Authorities such as the regional governor Gilia Gutiérrez arrived there, who gave announcements such as that they are behind the “unlocking” of the Moquegua-Omate-Arequipa highway project and, most importantly, working “even” so that the 11 districts of the jurisdiction have adequate attention improving their standard of living.

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But that is not all, finishing one of the festivities, the last Sunday also began the activities for Holy Week that are unique there in Peru with the assembly of altars called pools whose preparation is quite a spectacle qualified as cultural heritage of the nation.

So, that this is a reason to continue visiting Omate now on the occasion of the religious festivity and that internal tourism continue to be promoted now for the religious festivity of Holy Week… IN THE POLITICAL TRINQUETS, EVERYTHING IS KNOWN.

Politics boy!

The mayor of San Cristóbal Calacoa, Claudio Vizcarra, with affection “Gallo Claudio”, now they call him “Racatapun chinchín the rooster goes up”…

Regional Council had its decentralized session in Omate and since this first Thursday of the month is a holiday there will be no regular plenary session…

In the mobilization of civil construction workers, this Tuesday, the participation was massive of municipal works workers; As for the regional government, there were no work fronts present or they went unnoticed…

The Lurawi Peru Program, Moquegua zone, offered work for more than a hundred people in Ichuña and the registration deadlines expired this Tuesday. A pity that in the municipality they did nothing for their people who were going to earn more than S/ 1,400 soles in 32 days…

The former regional governor Hugo Ordóñez Salazar, who held that position by popular election between 2007 and 2010, died in Tacna, it was the times of the “Moqueguazo” … IN THE POLITICAL RATCHETS, EVERYTHING IS KNOWN.

Hernán García Cornejo, regional councilor of Moquegua

More “marking” to Pasto Grande

Some members of the regional council, such as former soccer player, fisherman and now counselor Hernán García, are asking the Pasto Grande Regional Special Project for its directors to appear in plenary session to report on the progress of the Lomas de Ilo project.

They found out that the prosecutor’s office recently intervened in the offices, because “when the river sounds it is because something brings.” Garcia knows, like everyone else, that in the work to bring water to Ilo there was a host of irregularities, it is investigated and if it is proven that there was a crime, “those responsible must be taken to jail,” he said.

The truth is that this new “breed” of advisors can go down in history by investigating and preventing millions from being lost due to this poorly done work. That is why the former defender of Deportivo La Breña from the 70s, promises “strict marking” to the once star project of Moquegua and which today is the point of questioning… IN THE POLITICAL RATCHETS, EVERYTHING IS KNOWN.

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