“Political plan, now the commission” –


Luigi Frasca

“We need to get to the bottom of it because here there is the certainty, not the doubt, that there were some unfaithful public employees who entered the bank accounts of several thousand Italians, then giving journalists the fruit of their dossier.” Matteo Salvini, leader of the League, says this, responding to a question from Maurizio Belpietro on the Striano case. «I think – underlines the deputy prime minister – that no one is entitled to enter other people’s bank accounts if there are no ongoing investigations, so they certainly did not do it of their own free will: it is clear that there was a clear plan behind it, then I will be unlucky but the unluckiest party was mine. This could have happened in Venezuela, not in the Italy of 2024.” For the Minister of Transport, as highlighted yesterday in «», it is no coincidence «that 95% of those spied on and intercepted were centre-right».

If spies are faster than the law

As reported by an investigation, published in these columns, of the 172 files, contained in what has been defined as «Il Verminaio», 38 concern the Northern League. The captain’s is the most exposed party since he attracted the attention of the judges with the exploit of 2018. Hundreds of illicit intrusions into the analyst system, from which the financier Striano downloaded a myriad of confidential documents, which were then sent to reporters of «Domani», the newspaper that has stood out, in recent years, for the campaign against the political force led by Matteo.

Thus the Becciu case was born: Striano

Another disturbing aspect, capable of solidifying the hypothesis of a real conspiracy against the Greens, is a file on the League, which remained in the drawers of the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor’s Office for several months, when a certain Federico was in charge. Cafiero De Raho, today parliamentarian of the 5 Star Movement. We are talking about the period in which the then Interior Minister of Conte 1 ended up in the crosshairs of the red robes for the policy of closed ports. As further confirmation of this, the chat of Luca Palamara, who, responding to the head of the Viterbo Prosecutor’s Office Paolo Auriemma, underlined that even though no mistake had been made by the Interior Ministry in that period, Salvini had to be attacked regardless.

Since Prodi's time, the Anti-Mafia has been involved in politics, so Laudati tries to save himself from the investigation

#Political #plan #commission #Tempo
2024-10-01 10:02:23



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