Political Crisis in Niger: General Abdurrahmane Declares Himself President

2023-07-28 19:53:00

Neoma: In the West African country of Niger, where the coup took place, General Abdurrahmane, the head of the presidential guard, has declared himself the president of Chiani’s interim administration. Two days ago, the presidential guard overthrew President Muhammad Basom and seized power.

Addressing the nation, Chiani (62) said that he is assuming power to prevent the destruction of the country. The Presidential Guard is the elite branch of the military responsible for the security of the Nigerian President. The coup also has the support of the army. “Basom tried to convince the people that everything is going well, but the harsh reality is death, displacement, humiliation and despair. Even though there have been great sacrifices, the country’s security has not been ensured,” Chiani said.

Chiani did not specify when he would return to democratic governance. Chiani, from Niger’s western province of Tillaberi, has been the head of the elite guard since 2015. This is the area where recruitment is mostly done for the army. Chiani is a close supporter of former President Mahmoud Issoufu, who ruled the country until 2021.

Chiani’s unit took Bassom hostage at the presidential palace on Wednesday. It is unclear if Bassom is still in custody. Nigerian army spokesman Colonel Amadou Abdrane said on official TV that the security forces had decided to end the regime, which was notorious for poor governance and a collapsing security situation.

#Military #Coup #General #Chiani #Interim #President #Niger

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