The other parties together were at 10 percent (unchanged), including no party that would achieve at least 3 percent. This would give a majority for the governing coalition of SPD, Greens and Left, as well as for a coalition of CDU, Greens and FDP. It would also be just enough for the CDU and SPD.
Overall, these projection values, which also take into account the statistical error ranges of surveys, only reflect the mood for the parties at the current time and do not represent a forecast for the outcome of the election next Sunday.
This also applies in particular to the parties that threaten to fail at the five percent limit or are just above it. There may still be changes for the various parties before election day due to different mobilization successes. In addition, 33 percent are not sure who or whether they want to vote.
In the 2021 House of Representatives elections, which took place at the same time as the federal elections, the SPD had 21.4 percent, the CDU 18.0 percent, the Greens 18.9 percent, the left 14.1 percent, the AfD 8.0 percent, the FDP to 7.1 percent and the other parties together to 12.5 percent.
When asked who one would most like to have as head of government in the state of Berlin, SPD incumbent Franziska Giffey is a rather weak 34 percent ahead of the CDU top candidate Kai Wegner with 25 percent and Bettina Jarasch from the Greens with 16 percent. (Remainder 100 percent: “don’t know”, “don’t know” or “none of them”).
As always, the survey for this Politbarometer Extra was carried out by the Mannheim research group Wahlen. The interviews were conducted by telephone between 8 and 9 February 2023 among 1,059 randomly selected voters in the state of Berlin. The survey is representative of the local voting population. The margin of error is a good +/- three percentage points for a proportion of 40 percent and a good +/- two percentage points for a proportion of ten percent.