Polisario lobbying its Spanish allies to condemn Sanchez’s decision

As in the Parliament of the Canary Islandsthe Polisario asserts itself as the true author of the proposition examined by the Lower House of the Spanish Parliament, aimed at challenging Pedro Sanchez’s support for the Moroccan autonomy plan for Western Sahara. Its representatives dictate the line to follow, but faced with the paradigm shift in Spain, the Polisario is attempting a middle way.

Brahim Ghali’s movement seeks support for the initiative of all groups of deputies, including the Socialists, bearing the signature of its allies within the Unidas-Podemos coalition, the Catalan Republican Left and EH Bildu (which includes the Basque separatists). To achieve this “unanimity” once morest the decision of the Chief Executive, the Polisario Front agreed to heavy concessions.

Its representatives in Spain have asked Podemos to reject all the amendments that show a certain extremism in the condemnation of the support of Pedro Sanchez in Morocco, even if they are the work of faithful allies of the Polisario in Parliament, reports an Iberian media.

Concessions at the risk of dissatisfying some of its allies

Following these guidelines to the letter, Podemos refused to include in the text a modification by the Basque Nationalist Party asking the Lower House of Parliament to “express its disagreement with the change in the government’s position in the face of litigation; a radical and unilateral turn which, by betting unambiguously on the Moroccan autonomy plan of 2007, amounts to aligning itself fully with the aspirations of the Kingdom of Morocco to consider the territory of Western Sahara as its own”.

In other circumstances, the Polisario Front would have welcomed such an amendment, but in the current context, it first seeks a political victory.

But for the time being, its main objective of uniting all the groups of deputies behind the proposal, is moving away. Outraged the rejection expressed by the Ciudadanos party, the PSOE announced last night its intention to vote once morest. A hard blow for the authors of the text who, in coordination with the Polisario, had taken care to expunge it from the traditional demands of the “organization of a referendum” and the “right of the Saharawi people to self-determination”. They were thus inscribed in the path taken by the PSOE and expressed in its document for its basis.

On the other hand, they insisted on “dialogue, negotiation and agreement carried out in a constructive manner and in compliance with international law [qui] will make it possible to reach a just, realistic, viable, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution in the Sahara”.

Vox has yet to reveal their decision. And the same goes for the Popular Party whose new leader, the Galician Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will be received by Pedro Sanchez in Madrid in the next few hours. A meeting to be held before the Chief Executive flies to Rabat to meet King Mohammed VI and seal the new stage in relations between Morocco and Spain.



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