PoliPepe#1483: Jeff Bezos wants to buy the Boston Celtics – PepeDiario – iVoox

Read PoliPepe’s podcast #1483: Jeff Bezos wants to buy the Boston Celtics

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This is pepe diario poli pepe hello how are you today is Tuesday the twentieth of August of the year two thousand twenty-four I am speaking to you from Torrelodones in Madrid in Spain I am pepe rodriguez and this is program number one thousand four hundred and eighty-three of the sports section of pp diario Jeff Bezos wants to buy the Boston Celtics and for this he is going to put on the table six billion dollars that are said soon you put them to me one after the other and flip country although for Jeff Bezos six billion dollars I mean or in other words he is one of the three richest people on the planet although we tend to look at poor people those of us who do not have that type of capital we tend to look at this with eyes that have nothing to do with reality, that of the money that we have in the account and this is the money that I can spend and this is that I cannot spend and this is better than it going up I want it to go down that type of thing no these mega multimillionaires do not see it like that yes that is to say it is not that they have that money that we estimate that they have it is their properties or their companies are the stock market valuations as they change on a daily basis the multiplication that we make of those properties by what they are worth and we say well they have this money they don’t have that money they don’t have that money in cash they can’t have it from one day to the next etcetera simply and plainly they have in what you and I can understand more or less infinite money worth they go around the places and they don’t have to go around looking at how much they spend and how much they don’t and even so the majority do it they do it because as I said the way we have of seeing the money is not exactly the same those who go around in those high hours and control it and evaluate it in that way that we go around the penny we go around the cent we earn to see how much we spend how much we earn and exactly the cash that we have and well if we have a mortgage we have a flat if we have what we have we know exactly what it is in these people not the valuations the appraisals how to change their wealth has nothing to do with the fluid with the liquid with how the money moves in gigantic numbers from one side to the other so don’t think that either even if they are hyper mega ultra millionaires they walk around throwing money it is not something they like excessively jeff bezos in particular is crazy about sports he has been crazy about sports for a long time and he has every intention in the world of being in this world and it has gone wrong for him so far his attempts have been in the nfly there they have given him the boot they have fired him with anger famously he was the last one the last one who bid for washington commanders before losing that same bid against george harris precisely another man associated with christmas because he is the owner of the philadelphia sixers this harris with a group of businessmen that also included magic johnson and a series of other personalities put up six thousand five million dollars for the washington commanders an amount of money that jeff bezos did not reach because because in his evaluation the club was not worth it because he did not have the same interest in the commanders as in some other nfl franchise that did not have its image so damaged the image of the commandos by itself you follow the fridge or not trinity on fm has been on the ground for a long time from the franchise by many for many internal actions by many many ways of behaving not only from the labor point of view but also from the point of view of the club doctors of having to change the name of the franchise because they were the washington redskins and it is a name that is understood as racist with the Ibero-American community in short there was a series of problems within the washington in fact it is that series of problems that in quotes forces to sell the franchise because faith forces dark schneider the previous owner to sell the franchise that made it so much damaged merchandise okay and jeff bezos got to where he got it is also said and I don’t know if that is true that the previous owner dan snyder would never have sold the franchise to jeff bezos because bezos is the owner of the washington post and the washington post has been very critical of the commanders and daniel sneider who is a tiny man small ben native spiteful a misery the truth is I did not want I can tell you that if I started, if I had put in four hundred million more than Harris, I would have taken it for sure, but what we are getting at is that they don’t throw away the money, they evaluate that the franchise is worth x, they don’t win.



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