Police use of force pits the Arévalo government against the opposition – 2024-07-19 17:05:42

The Interior Ministry announced yesterday that it had withdrawn 61 National Civil Police (PNC) agents who were providing security for a group of deputies. This decision has once once more become a showdown between the government and the opposition, the latter of which have labelled the measure as a political attack.

Francisco Jiménez, Minister of the Interior, said it was not possible to provide a list of the 17 deputies whose security was removed. But he said that some were assigned to representatives of the Vamos party and other blocs, without specifying which ones.

The press release from the Ministry of the Interior details that the decision was the result of an initial review. In it, they emphasize that the PNC exists to serve everyone and not to privilege a few.

Jiménez added hours later on social media that the decision to regroup personnel is part of a strategy by the ministry, which aims to make the PNC’s human resources more efficient.

Political decision

Opposition MP Boris España, a member of the Vamos bloc, explained that each MP had security for a particular case. He said that he had received death threats and that was why he had agents assigned to him.

Spain agrees that it is necessary for security forces to periodically assess whether threats or risk levels have decreased. But the decision by the Interior Ministry, in its opinion, appears to be political.

“What is not correct is that these are political actions derived from criticism, from actions that one as the opposition is making it clear, that it is a reaction to a political position that is being taken in the House. Because it just so happens that it is only with Vamos deputies, when there are other deputies who also have security.”

The deputy spoke in his personal capacity and stressed that the risk scenarios of each parliamentarian are different. But in his case the risk levels have not decreased, so he announced that he will file an injunction to reverse the decision.

“Semilla deputies are reacting once morest the Vamos bench, so it should not be a political action once morest the opposition. This shows that they do not accept criticism, that they do not accept that they make mistakes and that there is an opposition bench that is telling them so.”

Deputy España is one of the most critical of the decisions taken by Bernardo Arévalo’s government. He considered it necessary to explain the technical criteria for the withdrawal of security.

“What seems to be happening is that these are actions to refuse to accept the constructive criticism that we are making of them. If this is the case, they are proving to be a government of intolerant attitude, and that sends a bad message. Today it is us, tomorrow it will be any citizen who opposes the government measures.”

Will be questioned

The Minister of the Interior already has an appointment before the plenary session of the Congress of the Republic. Deputy Sandra Jovel, from the Valor bloc, requested his interpellation last month.

The reason for this first impeachment is due to the high crime rate, according to the arguments presented by the legislator. The impeachment is scheduled for July 25.

But the decision to withdraw the security of some deputies will lead to new questions for the minister. As announced by the Vamos deputy, Ronald Portillo, he will seek to ensure that the recent decisions regarding the security of some deputies are also a topic to be asked during the interpellation.

The 101 agents

The Ministry of the Interior sent a report to the Congress of the Republic in which they explain the number of agents that President Arévalo used in two specific activities. On May 6, the president, along with the vice president, Karim Herrera, and the ministers of State walked from the National Palace of Culture to the headquarters of the Legislative Assembly.

That day, the entire cabinet submitted an initiative to reform the Organic Law of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. The report dated May 13 specifies that there were 21 agents at the Presidential Palace; another 80 in front of the National Palace of Culture; 40 elements in the Legislative Park; and another 44 at the main entrance of Congress on Ninth Avenue.

A total of 185 security agents were present at two key moments of the president’s agenda last May. This is according to documents that the government gave to congressmen.



A document signed by the head of the Human Rights Ombudsman’s Office, Ligia Sagastume, was also released, who requested “urgently” on March 13 that “perimeter security” be provided to the elected deputies of Semilla José Pérez and Manfredo Castañón.

The Ministry of the Interior’s Communications Department confirmed that in the case of both congressmen “there was a risk analysis and a medium risk level was determined and perimeter security was recommended for both.” They added that this was implemented on June 26.

Analysis and prevention

The decision taken by the Ministry of the Interior requires technical support, according to Mario Mérida, a security analyst, to determine whether it is an appropriate criterion. “It must be clear that all decisions made by the president and his ministers are of a political nature.”

Deputy España has already announced a first legal action once morest the decision of the Ministry of the Interior.

According to the analyst, “this should be clearly established by means of a document stating that security is no longer necessary.” He added that it should be explained why the threat has been reduced or why it no longer exists “otherwise the affected parties might resort to the necessary mechanisms to request the continuation of the measure.”

The expert added that regarding Arévalo’s security deployment for the presentation of a bill and state meetings, robust security perimeters are advisable.

“I am going to say something that many people may not agree with me on. There is never enough executive security personnel when the magnitude of a threat is unknown.”

Mérida pointed out that presidential security must always consider risk scenarios, so a security check, such as the one described above, does not surprise him. “Any president, whether he is doing things right or wrong, will always be a potential threat that can become a reality.”

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